ASME HST-1 pdf download Performance Standard for Electric Chain Hoists
(a) This Standard establishes performance require-ments for electric chain hoists for vertical liftingservice involving material handling of freely suspended(unguided) loads using load chain of the roller orwelded link types with one of the following types ofsuspension:
(1) lug
(2) hook or clevis(3) trolley
(bj This Standard is applicable to hoists manufacturedafter the date on which this Standard is issued.It is notapplicable to
(1) damaged or malfunctioning hoists
(2) hoists that have been misused or abused
(3) hoists that have been altered without authoriza-tion of the manufacturer or a qualified person
(4) hoists used for lifting or supporting people(5) hoists used for the purpose of drawing both theload and the hoist up or down the hoist’s own load chain(s)(6) hoists used for marine and other applications asrequired by the Department of Defense (DoD)
The requirements of this Standard shall be appliedtogether with the requirements of ASME B30.16.Please also refer to ASME B30.16 for requirementspertaining to marking. construction, and installation;inspection, testing, and maintenance; and operation.
abnormal operating conditions: environmental conditionsthat are unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to the opera-tion of a hoist,such as excessively high or low tempera-ture, exposure to weather, corrosive fumes, dust laden ormoisture laden atmospheres, and hazardous locations.ambient temperature: the temperature of the atmospheresurrounding the hoist.
beam: an overhead standard structural or specially fabri-cated shape, on which the trolley operates.
brake: a device, other than a motor, used for retarding orstopping motion by means of friction or power.
brake, holding: a friction brake for a hoist that is automa-tically applied and prevents motion when power is off.
brake, mechanicalload: an automatic type of friction brakeused for controlling loads in a lowering direction. Thisunidirectional device requires torque from the motorto lower a load but does not impose any additionalload on the motor when lifting a load.This type ofbrake may also be used as a holding brake if designedas such by the manufacturer.
braking, control: a method of controlling speed byremoving energy from the moving body or by impartingenergy in the opposite direction.
braking, dynamic: a method of controlling speed by usingthe motor as a generator, with the energy being dissipatedin resistors.
braking, mechanical: a method of controlling or reducingspeed by friction.
braking, regenerative: a method of controlling speed inwhich the electrical energy generated by the motor isfed back into the power system.
chain, load: the load-bearing chain in a hoist.
chain, roller: a series of alternately assembled roller linksand pin links in which pins articulate inside the bushings,and the rollers are free to turn on the bushings. Pins andbushings are press-fit in their respective link plates.chain, welded link: a chain consisting of a series of inter-woven links formed and welded.
NOTE: Load chain properties do not conform to those shown inASME B29.1 or ASME B30.9.
contactor: an electromechanical device for opening andclosing an electric power circuit.
control actuator: a manual means at the operating stationby which hoist controls are energized.
control enclosure: the housing containing the electricalcontrol components.
cushioned start: an electrical or mechanical method forreducing the rate of acceleration of trolley motion.
hazardous (classified) locations: locations where fire orexplosion hazards may exist. Locations are classifieddepending on the properties of the flammable vapors,liquids or gases,or combustible dusts or fibers thatmay be present,and the likelihood that a flammable orcombustible concentration or quantity is present. Referto NFPA 70.