ASME B107.53 pdf download Ball PeenHammers:Safety Requirements
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This Standard provides performance and safetyrequirernents for bal peen hammers.Ball peen hammershave a striking face on one end of the head for use instriking punches and chisels,and a ball peen on theopposite end for use in riveting, shaping, and straight-ening unhardened metals. This Standard is intended toserve as a guide in selectirg,testing, and using thehand tools covered herein. It is not the purpose of thisStandard to specify the details of manufacturing.
This Standard is also intended to serve as a guide forthe developnent of manuals and posters and for trairingpersonnel to work safely.
This Standard may be used as a guide by state authori-ties or other reguJatory bodies in the formulation of lawsor regulations. It is also intended for voluntary use byestablishments that use or manufacture the tools cov-ered.The methods enployed to ensure compliance withthis Standard shall be determined by the proper regula-tory or administrative authority.
The foilowirg is a lst of publications referenced inthis Standard.
ANS Z87.1-1989(R1998), Practice for Occupational andEducatioral Eye and Face Protection
ANSIZ535.4-1998,Product Satety Signs and LabelsPublisher: American National Standards lnstituteANS1,, 25 West 43rd Street,New York. NY 10036ASTM E 18-0D,Standard Test Methods for RockwellHardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness ofMetailic Matenals
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials《ASTM).10 Barr Harbor Drive,lWest Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959
Guide to Hand Tools — Sclection, Safely lips,Properuse, and Care
Publisher: Hand Tools lnstitute (IITT), 25 North Broad-ay,Tarrytown, NY 10591
SAE J1703-JAN95,Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid
Publisher. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),400Commonwealth Drivc, Warrendale, PA15096-0001
Sec Fig. 1 as applicable.
ball peen: the rounded portion of the harnner headdirecty opposite the striking face.
bell: the portion of the harnmcr head directly behind thestriking face.
charfer: the bevel or cquivalent radius encircling theperimeter of the striking facc.
equivalent: indicating alteenate designs or features thatwill provide an equal degree of performance and safety.eye. an opening or aperture located between the ballpeen and striking face into which the handle is inserted,if the handle is separate.
hamamernead: the portion of the hamner exclusrve of thehandle.
hande: the portion that protrudes from the hanmer headand by which the tool is held.
handle grip: material securely attached to the grip endof some styles of harrner handles.
rardness: the condition of the hammer head resultingfrom heat treatment.
necks: the portions of the hammer head located betweenthe bell arid the eye, and the ball peen and the messnge: the information inprinted on or affixedto the harnmer to prornote safety.
shall: indicates mandatory requirements of thisStandard.
hozfat: indicates if a provision is of an advisory natureor is staled as a recornnendation.
sides for cheeks): outside surfaces of thc hammer headon either side of the eye located between the two necks.spalling: chipping or separation of material.
striking face: the portion of the hammer head, exclusiveof the neck, bell, and chamfer,lo-ated on the side of theeye opposite fron the ball peen.
strikiaag fnce crowm: the convex shape or radius of thestriking face.
top of hanzmer: the portion of the harnner directly opposite the handle.
uedged laanimer: a hammer that has the handle securedto the hammerhead by inserting a device to expand thehandle within the eye.