ASME A112.19.7 pdf download Hydromassage bathtub systems
4.12 Suction fitting cover apertures Suction fitting cover apertures shall not allow the passage of a 7.87 mm (0.31 in) circular rod with an applied force of 22 N (5 lbf).
5 Testing
5.1 Installation Hydromassage bathtub systems shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. When installation tolerances are specified, the hydromassage system shall be tested in the least favourable slope for drainage, but within the manufacturer’s specifications.
5.2 Water retention in whirlpool or air-jetted bathtubs
5.2.1 General Water retention in whirlpool or air-jetted bathtubs may be evaluated using the chlorine test specified in Clause 5.2.4 or the volumetric test specified in Clause 5.2.5.
5.2.2 Preconditioning The specimen shall be preconditioned as follows:
(a) Fill the specimen with water at 57 ± 3 °C (1 35 ± 5°F) until the jets are completely covered and it can be properly operated.
(b) Circulate the water for 2 hr ± 1 0 min and ensure that the water temperature is maintained at not less than 54 °C (1 30°F).
(c) Drain the specimen and allow it to cool to ambient temperature.
5.2.3 Performance Hydromassage bathtubs shall not allow retention of water in excess of 44 mL (1 .5 fl oz) for each jet and suction fitting. The water retention for air-jetted hydromassage bathtubs shall not exceed 400 mL (1 3.5 fl oz), regardless of the number of air jets. Sampling shall be performed in accordance with Annex B. For combination whirlpool and air-jetted bathtubs, the water volumes shall be cumulative. A whirlpool bathtub with four jets and one suction fitting shall be considered to satisfy the requirements of this Clause if the residual water does not exceed 220 mL (7.5 fl oz). The maximum residual water in combination four jet, one suction fitting whirlpool and air-jetted bathtubs shall be 620 mL (21 fl oz).
5.2.4 Chlorine test The following requirements shall apply:
(a) The procedure shall be conducted within a 1 h time interval.
(b) The quality of the water used in the chlorine method shall have a total organic content no greater than 5 mg/L and a pH between 6 and 8, with the pH variation during the test no greater than ±0.1 .
(c) The original chlorine level shall be accurately measured to within ±0.05 mg/L, recorded, and factored out of the test reading. To prepare the chlorine solution, approximately 2% of the water in the hydromassage system shall be removed, and the chlorine compound shall be dissolved into the water removed. The quantity of chlorine compound shall be as specified in Table 1 , with the concentration of the chlorine compound accurate within ±0.5%. Measurement of the chlorine compound shall be within ±0.1 g. The tester shall ensure that the compound is completely dissolved and shall carefully add the prepared solution to the hydromassage system, avoiding spillage. A cover shall be placed over the hydromassage system to prevent loss of water due to turbulence or splashing. The hydromassage system shall be run for a period of 2 min as follows:
(a) For a whirlpool system, the system shall be run for 2 min continuously.
(b) For an air bath system, the system shall be run for 30 s and allowed to settle for 30 s. This cycle shall be repeated a total of two times. At the completion of the 2 min, the hydromassage system shall be shut off, and the water within the system shall be allowed to drain completely for an additional 2 min. Then, with a non-porous rubber squeegee, all the remaining water in the basin shall be scraped into the drain. The hydromassage system shall be refilled with the same total volume of fresh water to the nearest ±1 0 mL (0.338 oz) as determined in Clause The procedure outlined in Clause shall be repeated. A sample of the water in the hydromassage system shall be tested for free chlorine using a suitable chlorine colorimeter. The chlorine colorimeter shall be accurate to within ±5%, using the DPD (N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine) indicator method. A period of more than 1 min shall not be allowed to elapse before taking the free chlorine reading. The original chlorine reading of the tap water shall be subtracted from the chlorine reading to obtain the final free chlorine concentration. The volume of water retained in the hydromassage system shall be determined by using Table 2.