
AS NZS 62838 pdf download – LEDsi lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages not exceeding 50 V a.c. r.m.s. or 120 V ripple free d.c. — Safety specifcations (IEC 62838:2015 (ED.1.0)/COR1: 2017, MOD)

AS NZS 62838 pdf download – LEDsi lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages not exceeding 50 V a.c. r.m.s. or 120 V ripple free d.c. — Safety specifcations (IEC 62838:2015 (ED.1.0)/COR1: 2017, MOD)

AS NZS 62838 pdf download LEDsi lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages not exceeding 50 V a.c. r.m.s. or 120 V ripple free d.c. — Safety specifcations (IEC 62838:2015 (ED.1.0)/COR1: 2017, MOD)
1 scope
This International Standard specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements, togetherwith the test methods and conditions,required to show compliance of LED lamps withintegrated means for stable operation,intended for domestic and similar general lightingpurposes, having:
-a rated power up to 6o w
– a rated voltage equal to or less than 50 V a.c.r.m.s. or equal or less 120 v ripple free d.c.,- caps according to Table 1.
NOTE1 The value of 60 W rated power is under consideration.Heat management may require lower power.This standard shall be used for products in conjunction with ELV lighting installations.
With reference to lEC 60364-7-715, in ELV lighting installations only SELV sources areapplied.Where bare conductors are used, the maximum lamp voltage shall be 25 V a.c. or6o v d.c.
The requirements of this standard relate only to type testing.
For lamps > 25 V a.c. or 60 v d.c.recommendations for whole production testing or batchtesting are given in lEC 60598-1 Table Q.1, column class lll luminaire, column 4 or 5.
NOTE 2 Where in this standard the term “lamp(s)”” is used,it is understood to stand for semi-integrated LEDlamp(s) with supply voltages as in the scope above, except where it is obviously assigned to other types of lamps.
An overview of systems composed of LED modules, lamps and controlgear is given inIEC 62504.Supply voltage does not mean necessarily mains voltage,e.g. 230 v / 50 Hz.Asemi-integrated LED lamp can also be driven on a supply voltage with 12 V a.c. or d.c. Thecontrol unit in the controlgear in a semi-integrated LED lamp then provides the conversion of12 V a.c. or d.c. to a special current and voltage to power the LED inside the semi-integratedLED lamp.Schematicaily, the types of LEDni and LEDsi lamps are shown in Figure 1.
2Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document andare indispensable for its application.For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated’ references,the latest edition of the referenced document (including anyamendments) applies.
IEC 60061-1, Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control ofinterchangeability and safety – Part 1: Lamp caps
IEC 60061-3, Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control ofinterchangeability and safety – Part 3: Gauges
IEC 60364-4-41:2005,Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-41: Protection for safety -Protection against electric shock
IEC 60364-7-715:2011,Electrical installations – Requirements for special installations orlocations – Extra-low-voltage lighting installations
IEC 60417,Graphical symbols for use on equipment (available from: http://www.graphical-symbols.infolequipment)
IEC 60598-1,Luminaires – Part 1: General requirements and tests
IEC 61347-1:2015,Lamp controlgear – Part 1 : General and safety requirementsIEC 62031,LED modules for general lighting – safety requirements
IEC 62504,General lighting -LEDs and LED modules – terms and definitions
IEC 62560,Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 v – Safetyspecifications
IEC TR 62778,Application of lEC 62471 for the assessment of blue light hazard to lightsources and luminaires
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document the terms and definitions of IEC 62031,IEC 62504,lEC 62560 and lEC61347-1 as well as the following apply.
ultraviolet hazard efficacy of luminous radiationKs,v
quotient of a ultraviolet hazard quantity to the corresponding photometric quantity
Note 1 to entry: Ultraviolet hazard efficacy of luminous radiation is expressed in mW /klm.
Note 2 to entry: The ultraviolet hazard efficacy of luminous radiation is obtained by weighting the spectral powerdistribution of the lamp with the UV hazard function So(A). Information about the relevant UV hazard function isgiven in IEC 62471. lt only relates to possible hazards regarding UVv exposure of human beings. It does not dealwith the possible influence of optical radiation on materials, such as mechanical damage or discoloration.
4General requirement and general test requirements
The requirements of IEC 62560 apply.
The requirements of lEC 62560 apply.
Deviating from the frequency marking in lEC 62560,5.1 d), the following applies.
lf a lamp is only suitable for DC, it shall be marked “Dc” or “———(IEC 60417-5031(2002-10)).
lf a lamp is only suitable for AC electronic, it shall be marked “AC electronic” or ” electronic一m(IEC 60417-5032 (2002-10)).
lf a lamp is only suitable for AC 50 Hz/60Hz, it shall be marked “AC 50 Hz/60Hz”or “50 Hz/60 Hz””.
lf a lamp is suitable for AC electronic and AC 50 Hz/60Hz,it shall be marked “AC”; theaddition “electronic and 50 Hz/60 Hz” is optional.
lf a lamp is suitable for DC, AC electronic and AC 50 Hz/60 Hz, it shall only be marked withthe voltage, not with the frequency.
Lamps with bulbs not suitable for water contact shall be marked with the symbol according toFigure 2.The marking shall be provided on the packaging or accompanying information.heheight of the graphical symbol shall be at least 5 mm.The symbol is not needed if a writtencautionary notice is provided.

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