AS NZS ISO 7176.2 pdf download – Wheelchairs Part 2: Determination of dynamic stability of electrically powered wheelchairs
1 Scope
This document specifies test methods for determining the dynamic stability of electrically poweredwheelchairs.
This document is applicable to electrically powered wheelchairs, including scooters, with a maximumnominal speed not exceeding 15 km/h, intended to carry one person.This document is not applicable tomanual wheelchairs with add-on power kits used for, or to assist, propulsion.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) appliesISo 7176-11,Wheelchairs —Part 11: Test dummies
ISO 7176-13,Wheelchairs — Part 13: Determination of coefficient of friction of test surfaces
ISO7176-15,Wheelchairs —Part 15:Requirements for information disclosure, documentation and labellingISO7176-22,Wheelchairs —Part 22 : Set-up procedures
ISO 7176-26, Wheelchairs — Part 26: Vocabulary
3Terms and definitions
Forthe purposes of this document,the terms and definitions given in ISo7176-26 and the following apply.lSO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:-ISo online browsing platform: available at
—IEC Electropedia: available at
wheel lift
loss of contact between a wheel and the test surface during conditions of instability
Note 1 to entry: This does not include transient loss of contact due to surface irregularity or transitions.Note 2 to entry:This does not include loss of contact such as a transition onto or rotation of cluster wheels.
4 Principle
The wheelchair is subjected to a number of driving tests, simulating use of a wheelchair,while itsmovements are observed for the occurrence of a range of defined conditions of instability.Accessoriesare not accounted for during these tests.
5.1 Rigid, flat, horizontal test plane, with coefficient of friction of greater than 0,6 measured by themethod specified in IS0 7176-13 and of sufficient size to conduct the tests. The test plane shall havea surface that lies between two imaginary horizontal planes 20 mm apart and has no more than 0,5 ovariation in slope or cross slope throughout the test.
The test plane shall be long enough to allow the wheelchair to reach maximum speed.
NOTE An area of approximately 10 m x 3 m is normally of sufficient size but the testing of larger and/or fasterwheelchairs might need a larger test plane.
5.2 Rigid, flat, inclined area, with run up and run down, shall be long enough to allow the wheelchairto reach maximum speed and come to a stop within the stated inclination.
The test area of the ramp shall be long enough to allow the wheelchair to come to a stop within thestated inclination which shall be within the tolerance of ±1°.
The testing area of the ramp shall have a surface that lies between two imaginary parallel planes50 mm apart.
The test ramp shall have a coefficient of friction in the test area that meets the requirements ofISO 7176-13.
The test area shall run immediately from the horizontal test plane via a transition with a radius ofless than 25 mm.
The traversed surface shall be free of loose material and steps greater than 5 mm in height.
A ramp approximately 10 m x 3 m is normally of sufficient area, but the testing of larger and/or fasterwheelchairs may need a larger ramp.
NOTE 1 The ramp can be of a variable angle type or individual ramps for each required angle.NOTE 2 Run up and run down areas on either end of the test area need not meet the above criteria.NOTE3 Figure 1 provides a recommended configuration for the test area and transition.
NOTE4 A ramp of approximately 10 m × 3 m is normally of sufficient area but the testing of larger and/or fasterwheelchairs might need a larger ramp.