
API RP 6DR pdf download

API RP 6DR pdf download

API RP 6DR pdf download Recommended Practice for the Repair and Remanufacture of Pipeline Valves
4Preparation for Shipment to the Reconditioner
The owner shall complete the following activities before sending the equipment to the reconditioner:
a) All pressure shall be removed from valve cavities and accompanying actuators, tanks, etc.
b) Hazardous materials shall be removed and cleaned from the valve and accompanying equipment.
c) Copy of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) to be provided for the valve service media.
d)Valves should be checked for NORM in accordance with the applicable local regulations (regionVstate/country’province).
Valves containing NORM may require special handling and cleaning procedures.5 Control of Equipment
The valve shall be identified by the owner name/location or other appropriate identifier.
Each valve shall be assigned a unique identification number 5. This number shall be traceable back to the pertinentinstructions and or information provided by the owner.
A visual inspection shall be conducted to determine if the valve can be reconditioned. lf valve cannot bereconditioned, notify the owner for disposition instructions.
Disposition may include one or more of the following:a) Salvage useable parts.
b)Scrap in accordance with the owner’s instructions.c) Return to the owner.
6 Disassembly and Cleaning of Valves
Valves to be reconditioned shall be completely disassembled.Packing, gaskets, and non-metallic parts shall beremoved and disposed of in accordance with the owner’s instructions or appropriate safety procedures.
The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) tag shall not be removed. Damaged tags which cannot be properlyattached shall be retained in the reconditioned valve document file.Tags from previous reconditioning shall beremoved and the tag(s) or information from the tag(s) placed in the reconditioned valve document file.Tags may beelectronically scanned or the information recorded and kept in the reconditioning document files.
The new identifier number shall be stamped on body, bonnet, cover, closure member, seats (if removed), stem andany other major components, using low stress stencilis. lf stamping is not practical, parts may be tagged or electroetched, except that all stems and closure elements for valves 2 in.and larger valves shall be marked by stamping.Finished surfaces that may be damaged shall be protected. ldentification numbers marked on parts shall remain onthe parts throughout the reconditioning process. Smaller parts may be placed in a container labeled with the uniqueidentification number.
Markinglabeling shall be of a type and material that resists damage , fading, or loss for a period of time consistent withthe expected storage period.
Valve parts shall be cleaned; Methods include, but are not limited to steam, chemical, sand/bead, or shot blasting.Finished surfaces that may be damaged shall be protected.
7 Evaluation of Components
All components shall be inspected and evaluated in accordance with documented procedures. This shall consist ofthe following, as a minimum:
-Visual and dimensional inspection as to suitability for reuse.
-Verification of APl 6D specified flange and end-to-end dimensions.-Evaluation as to valve fitness and function.
Annex A provides minimum requirements for evaluation of components.Repair/Remanufacture/Replacement of Valve Parts8.1Control of Manufacturing Operations
Repair and remanufacture operations shall be performed in accordance with documented procedures.8.2 Inspection of Valve Parts
Valve parts shall be inspected to determine their acceptabliy for re-use andor extent of required repair. Inspectionshall be performed per documented procedures not less stringent than the OEM or owner’s requirements.
Equipment for measuring dimensions shall be controlled and calibrated in accordance with the reconditioner’smethods specified in documented procedures which shall be consistent with nationally or internationally recognizedstandards.
8.3Replacement Parts and Material
Source of replacement parts shall be one or more of the following.a)Suitable replacement parts from the OEM.
b) Parts obtained from similar valves from the same valve manufacturer.
c) The material must be identified,and critical dimensions verified to be the same as the original component.
d)Manufactured or repaired component parts, from the recondition facility. These parts shall be made from materialsequivalent to the original. Where the material cannot be determined or it is desirable to substitute a materialdifferent from the original, the part design shall be supported by the OEM’s design file or the reconditioner’s designfile which is not less stringent than the OPD.

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