
API RP 5SI pdf download

API RP 5SI pdf download

API RP 5SI pdf download Recommended Practice for Purchaser Representative Surveillance and/or Inspection at the Supplier
4Responsibilities of the Parties
All parties involved with surveying andor inspecting product should have clear and defined responsibilities in adition to the fol-lowing:
The purchaser should establish through purchase orders, specifications, preproduction meeting minutes,or other wrilten commu-nications the responsibility of each party based upon the following:
a.The purchaser should select the purchaser representative and the survey andor inspection level required.
b. The purchaser should establish the protocol as to the responsibilities and authorities of the purchaser representative. This pro-tocol should include communications of relevant information to all parties.
c. The purchaser should ensure that clear documentation of the agreement between the purchaser and the supplier is provided tothe purchascr representative,such as: an un-priced copy of the purchase order including any exceptions andor applicablespecifications.
d. The purchaser should determine the need of a pre-production meeting and should ensure that the purchaser representative iseither represented at the meeting or is fully advised, either verbally or in writing, of agreements made between the purchaser andthe supplier at the meeting. lt is recommended that the purchaser representative attend the preproduction meeting where possible.4.2RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER REPRESENTATIVE
The purchaser representative should be responsible for the following:
a.Ensuring that clear direction is received from the purchaser as to communications protocol, responsibilities, authorities, andextent of representation.
b. Providing copies of specifications, agreements, appropriate gages and instruments, safety equipment and other necessies toits employees as appropriate to perform the assignment.
c. Activities of the purchaser representative in the supplier’s facility should not interfere with the nomal acivities of the supplie.includling production rate.
However, there are situations where legitimate quality and safety issues may impact the production rate of a supplier.4.3RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUB-CONTRACTOR
The purchaser and appointed purchaser representative should determine whether it is appropriate to sub-contract the inspectionandor surveillance activities. The sub-contractor should have the same or higher qualifications as the original purchaser represen-tative (contractor).
4.4RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUPPLIERThe supplier should be responsible for the following:
a. The supplier should allow the purchaser representative access to all parts of the supplier’s facility that concerns the purchaser’sproduct ordered and at all times while work on the purchaser ‘s product is being performed.
b. The supplier should give advance notification to the purchaser and the purchaser representative of changes in plant schedulingthat could affect the purchaser representative activities related to the order.
c. The supplier should provide the purchaser representative reasonable facilities to the purchaser representative that the product isbeing produced in accordance with the applicable purchase agreement. Reasonable facilities typically may include office space,telephone, internet access, mail/package delivery, and specialized safety equipment.
d. The supplier should endeavor to present to the purchaser representative for inspection only product that the supplier has foundto meet purchaser requirements.
e.The supplier should identify any documents that are considered proprictary to the manufacture or processing of the productdescribed in the purchase agreement. The supplier, purchaser and purchaser representative should establish the parameters bywhich such documents can be accessed, copied and submitted during manufacture and processing.
f. lIt is not generally required, nor advisable,for the supplier to provide equipment to the purchaser representative.For the pur-pose of final decisions, the suppliers calibrated equipment should be the ruling equipment,unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
5 Level of Surveillance and/or Inspection Activities As a general rule, surveillance and/or purchaser representative inspection activities should be specified by the parties in the pur- chase agreement. These activities are typically at the discretion of the purchaser. The purchaser should specify one of the following activity levels and any additional inspection and/or surveillances. Product spe- cific appendixes are included in this document and apply to levels specified in the appendix (or specified herein). The supplier and purchaser representative should be notified at the pre-production meeting or other appropriate time as to the specified activity level. The purchaser, at its discretion, may adjust the activity levels in accordance with the purchase agreement and/or applicable specifications at any time during the duration of the order. In which case the supplier and purchaser representative should be noti- fied so that there is an understanding between all parties as to the inspection and surveillance required.

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