
ASME MFC-16 pdf download

ASME MFC-16 pdf download

ASME MFC-16 pdf download Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits With Electromagnetic Flowmeters
This Standard is applicable to industrial electromag-netic flowmeters and their application in the measure-ment of liquid flow. The electromagnetic flowmeterscovered by this Standard utilize an alternating electricalcurrent (Ac) or pulsed direct-current (pulsed-DC) togenerate a magnetic field in electrically conductive andelectrically-homogeneous liquids or slurries flowing ina completely filled, closed conduit.
This Standard specifically does not cover insertion-type electromagnetic flowmeters, meters used to mea-sure flow in partially filled pipe, or those used in surgi-cal,therapeutic,or other health and medicalapplications. It also does not cover applications of indus-trial flowmeters involving nonconductive liquids orhighly conductive liquids (e.g., liquid metals).
All references are to the latest published edition ofthese standards.The following is a list of publicationsreferenced in this Standard.
ASME B16 Series,Standaras ror vaves.i.”8Flanges, and Gaskets
ASME MFC-1M,Glossary of Terms Used in theMeasurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes
Publisher: The American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME),Three Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 Law Drive,PO.Box 2300,Fairfield, NJ07007-2300
ISO 13359,Measurement of Conductive Liquid Flow inClosed Conduits — Flanged ElectromagneticFlowmeters-Overall Length
Publisher: International Organization for Standardiza-tion (ISo), 1,ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56,CH-1211,Geneve 20,Switzerland / Suisse
(a) Paragraph 3.1 lists definitions from ASMEMFC-1M used in ASME MFC-16.
(b) Paragraph 3.2 lists definitions specific to thisStandard.
(c) Paragraph 3.3 lists symbols used in this Standard(see Table 1).
3.1 Definitions From ASME MFC-1M
accuracy: the degree of freedom from error; the degreeof conformity of the indicated value to the true valueof the measured quantity.
precision: the closeness of agreement between the resultsobtained by applying the experimental procedure sev-eral times under prescribed conditions. The smaller therandom part of the experimental errors that affect theresults, the more precise is the procedure.
rangeability (turndown): flowmeter rangeability is theratio of the maximum to minimum flow rates or Reyn-olds number in the range over which the meter meetsa specified uncertainty (accuracy).
repeatability: the closeness of agreement among a seriesof results obtained with the same method on identicaltest material, under the same conditions (same operator,same apparatus, same laboratory, and short intervals oftime).
Incertainty (of mieasurement): the range within which thetrue value of the measured quantity can be expected tolie with a specified probability and confidence level.3.2 Definitions for ASME MFC-16
bias: the systematic errors (i.e., those that cannot bereduced by increasing the number of measurementstaken under fixed flow conditions).
flowmefer prinary : includes the flowtube, process connec-tions, electromagnetic coils, and electrodes. Flowmeterprimary is also known by other names such as: flow-meter primary device, primary device, primary etc.flowmeter secondary: includes the electronic transmitter,measurement of the ennf., and in most cases the powerfor the electromagnet coils of the flowmeter primary.linearity: linearity refers to the constancy of the meterfactor over a specified range , defined by either the pipeReynolds number or the flow rate.
neter factor: the number, determined by liquid calibra-tion, that enables the output flow signal to be relatedto the volumetric flow rate under defined reference con-ditions.
3.3 SymbolsSee Table 1.

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