6 BODY DIMENSIONS AND MASTER JAW DIMENSIONS OF CLASS II DRAW-BAR OPERATED CHUCKS Table 4 gives the body dimensions and master jaw dimensions of Class II draw-bar operated chucks. The tops of the master jaws are above the face of the 4 chuck bodies for all sizes. Mating dimensions of top jaws for these chucks are given in Table 5.
7 CLASS I AND CLASS II COMPARISON The tongues and grooves of the master jaws of Class I and Class II chucks of the same size are identical. However, the tapped holes MJ-12 of Class II chucks are larger than the corresponding tapped holes of Class I chucks of sizes 6 in. to 15 in.
8 SPECIFICATIONS OF CLASS III CHUCKS Class III chucks are heavy-duty wrench-operated or draw-bar operated chucks with master jaws of the serrated type for use on turret lathes and for other applications where the service is severe, and where the top jaws may be set at various locations along the face of the master jaws. Body dimensions are given in Tables 6 and 8. Master jaw dimensions, dimensions of top jaws, master keys and jaw nuts for one type only of serrations are shown in Tables 7 and 9. The tops of the master jaws may or may not be below the face of the chuck bodies on wrench-operated chucks and may be either above or below the face of the bodies on draw-bar operated chucks. When the tops of the master jaws are below the face of the chuck, the tops of the master jaws should be approximately 0.12 in. below the face of the chuck as shown toward the left side of Table 4; and when the tops of the master jaws are above the face of the chuck, they should be approximately 0.18 in. above as shown toward the right side of Table 4. These chucks may have two or more jaws and may be of the independent or self-centering type.
9.1 Specifications of Chucks for Type A and Type B Spindle Noses Chucks for Type A and Type B spindle noses shall have the mounting made to the dimensions of Table 4 of ANSI B5.9-1967.
9.2 Specifications of Chucks for Type D-1 Spindle Noses Chucks for Type D-1 spindle noses shall have the mounting made to the dimensions shown in Tables 7, 9, 11, or 13 of ANSI B5.9-1967.
9.3 Specifications of Chucks for Type L Spindle Noses Chucks for Type L spindle noses shall have the mounting made to the dimensions given in Table 29 of ANSI B5.9-1967.
10 DIRECTIONS FOR BALANCING OF CHUCKS 10.1 Directions for Balancing of Chucks for Type A, Type B, and Type D-1 Spindles When chucks for Type A, Type B, or Type D-1 spindles are to be balanced, such chucks shall be balanced on an arbor that has itself previously been balanced without the chuck being mounted on it. The location of the cap screws, bolts, or studs for holding such chuck to the arbor must also be in balance. (See Table 5 of ANSI B5.9-1967.)
10.2 Directions for Balancing of Chucks for Type L Spindles When chucks for Type L spindles are to be balanced, the driving keyway shall have been previously finish machined in the taper. Such chucks shall then be balanced on a taper arbor provided with a full key and two screws holding the key in place, the taper, keyseat, key and two screws to be according to Table 28 of ANSI B5.9-1967. Such taper arbor shall have been previously balanced with a partial key that fills the keyseat and has an outside contour that coincides with the taper. To run in balance with such chucks, the Type L spindle should be balanced with a partial key that fills the keyseat and has an outside contour that coincides with the taper. 11 DEFINITIONS chuck: as covered by this Standard, a workpiece hold- ing device to be mounted on a machine spindle as further described in combination chuck, draw-bar oper- ated chuck, independent chuck, self-centering chuck, and wrench-operated chuck.