AS NZS 5263.1.8 pdf download – Gas appliances Part 1.8: Decorative effect gas appliances
1.1 Scope
This Standard provides specific requirements and test methods for Type 1 and Type 2 decorative effectgas appliances with natural draught or fan assisted combustion systems, with an energy input noexceeding 72 MJ/h.
For Australia, the fuel gases are natural gas (as described by AS 4564), town gas, liquefied petroleugas (LP Gas,as described by AS 4670), simulated natural gas (SNG) and tempered liquefiedpetroleum gas (TLP).
For New Zealand, the fuel gases are natural gas(as specified in NZS5442)and general product liquefiepetroleum gas (NZLPG) (as specified in NZS 5435).
NOTE 1 Space heating appliances are not covered by this Standard but are covered by the requirements oAS/NZS 5263.1.3.
NOTE 2 Indoor flueless appliances are not covered by this Standard.
NOTE 3 Appliances falling within the scope of AS 2658 are not covered by this Standard.
NOTE4 0ther statutory or regulatory requirements may be applicable to a product that falls within the scopeof this Standard. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer, importer or distributor (as appropriate) to ensurthat products conform to such requirements.
Test methods are set out in Appendices ZA, ZB and Zc (see Clause 1.4).
This Standard is complementary to, and is intended to be used in conjunction with AS/NZS 5263.0.Threquirements given herein shall take precedence over corresponding requirements in that Standard.AS3645 specifies essential requirements for gas equipment that requires regulatory approval beforcsale. This Standard, together with AS/NZS 5263.0, is intended to provide a means of demonstratinconformance to AS 3645.
1.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document.
NOTE Documents for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography.AS 4566,Flue cowls — Gas appliances
AS 4567,Twin wall metal flues —Gas appliances
AS/NZS 5263.0,Gas appliances, Part O: General requirements1.3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Standard the terms and definitions given in AS/NZS 5263.0 and th:following apply:
flame abnormality
flame condition that results in spitting, sputtering, lifting or floating flames, lighting back, extinction,yellow tipping causing carbon deposition, carbon deposition or objectionable odour and undue noiseNote 1 to entry: If the length of the yellow tipping is less than 20 % of the total length of the flame on visualinspection it is not considered to be “appreciable” yellow tipping.
Note 2 to entry: In appliances designed specifically for a luminous or visual effect, limited carbon depositionwithin the appliance, yellow tipping and limited lifting or floating flames are not considered abnormal.
co safety system
system that causes the gas supply to be shut off before the carbon monoxide in the ambient air exceedsa specified concentration and before the oxygen in the ambient air falls below a specified concentration1.3.202
console appliance
appliance designed to be mounted on or against a wall and not built into a fireplace or cavity1.3.203
decorative effect gas appliance
gas appliance that simulates a solid fuel fire or uses a flame effect and whose primary function lies inthe aesthetic effect of the gas flames
Note 1 to entry: Appliances that simulate a solid fuel fire or flame effect, where the primary function is to heat thespace in which the appliance is installed, are considered to be space heating appliances (see Clause 1.1 Note 1).
Type 1 appliance
decorative effect gas appliance without an enclosure and designed to be installed in an existing fireplacewith a chimney, which vents the flue gases outside the building
Type 2 appliance
decorative effect gas appliance with an enclosure, for connection to a flue that vents the flue gasesoutside the building
1.4Test methods
The modified and new test methods applicable for this Standard are located in the following appendices:apart from these, the test methods of AS/NZS 5263.0 apply.
Appendix ZA — Preliminary test methods (applicable for Section 3)
There are no modifications or new methods for this Standard. Preliminary test methods fromAS/NZS 5263.0 apply as set out in Section 3.
Appendix ZB —Limiting conditions test methods (applicable for Section 4)