AS ISO 11862 pdf download – Earth-moving machinery — Auxiliary starting aid electrical connector
This International Standard specifies the details,dimensions and design of both plug (male) andreceptacle (female) which must mate properly to permit interchangeabie use of different makes ofelectrical connectors providing an auxiliary starting circuit for earth-moving machinery as definedin IS0 6165.It lays down a universal connecting device, with correct polarity, standard circuit codingand protection from electrical shorts,which may also be used with any other machinery, vehicle orautomotive equipment with the same electrical system voltage range.
2Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisionsof this InternationalStandard.At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.All standardsare subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouragedto investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.Members of lEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 6165:1987,Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Vocabulary.
ISO 9247:1990,Earth-moving machinery — Electrical wires and cables — Principles of identificationand marking.
IEC 228:1978,Conductors of insulated cables.
IEC 245-4:1980,Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750V— Part 4:Cordsand flexible cables.
IEC 269-1:1986,Low-voltage fuses — Part 1: General requirements.
3 General requirements
3.1 Receptacle
The receptacle assembly shall be as shown in figure 1 and shall be permanently installed in a machine.The receptacle contains the male terminals [see figure 3 b)]; the configuration shall provide positivemeans of ensuring correct polarity when coupled with the mating plug.
3.2Plug assembly
The plug assembly shall be as shown in figure 2; it provides auxiliary starting from one machine toanother [see figure 2 a)], or from an external power source, such as a battery cart, to the machine [seefigure 2 b)J]. The plug contains the female terminals [see figure 3 a)] and mates with the receptacleassembly in 3.1.
4 Construction
4.1 Materials
Connector bodies shall be made of glass-fibre-reinforced nylon or other mouldable insulating materialof equal or superior properties. The contact parts shall be coated to ensure low deterioration and lowelectrical resistance.
Terminals shall be in accordance with figure 3 and permanently attached to the cable ends beforemoulding, by soldering, brazing, welding or by other suitable method to provide a connection whichwill be mechanically and electrically secure.
Current-carrying cables shall be 50 mm2,70 mm2 or 95 mm2 wire size and shall conform with IEC 228Class 5.Receptacle cables and plug cables shall be type 245 IEC 66 according to IEC 245-4.Particularlyflexible stranding shall be used on the plug cables.
All cables shall be of sufficient length and have the appropriate terminals to connect with appropriatepoints within or between the machines or to any auxiliary power source.
All connecting cables shall be properly secured and protected within the machine.4.4 Fuses
All fuses shall meet the requirements of IEC 269-1.4.5 ldentification of cables
Colour or number identification of cables shall conform with ISO 9247 and be arranged as shown infigures 1 and 2 of this International Standard, to provide continuity of identification throughout theconnected assemblies.
5 Location of receptacle on machine
The receptacle shall be attached on the interior side of the machine with the terminal portionprotruding outward through acceptance holes in the side of the machine (see figure 1) and located sothat exposed portions of the receptacle will be protected from external damage by means of a lockablecover as shown in figure 4.
Where safeguarding is a concern, the location may be inside an enclosed compartment.The locationshould also provide easy access for attaching the auxiliary starting cables, and should be as close aspractical to the starter motor in the machine so as to require a minimum length of connecting cables.The machine manufacturer shallprovide a label indicatingthe electricalsystem voltage at the receptacle.