
AS 5725 pdf download – Boarding Standard for Australian schools and residences

AS 5725 pdf download – Boarding Standard for Australian schools and residences

AS 5725 pdf download – Boarding Standard for Australian schools and residences
1.1 scOPE
This Standard specifies requirements for the management and operation of residentialboarding services for students attending school,including residential boarding servicesgoverned by the school or independently.
Boarding service management shall be able to demonstrate compliance with relevantfederal,state and territory legislation. Suitable frameworks and processes shall beestablished,documented, disseminated,implemented,maintained and reviewed. TheSections of this Standard set out minimum requirements for a framework and processes asfollows:
section 2—Governance and management.section 3——Boarders.
Section 4 —Staff.
Section 5—Parent, family and community engagement.Section 6——Facilities.
The following document is referred to in this Standard:AS/NZS ISo
31000Risk management——Principles and guidelines1.4 DEFINITIONS
For the purposes of this Standard the definitions below apply.1.4.1 Boarder
A school student who utilizes the boarding service. Includes school students fromAustralian rural, remote and urban locations and from overseas.
1.4.2 Boarding service
An accommodation service for Australian and international students attending school. Thisincludes all aspects of student care and development and the boarding premises.
1.4.3 Boarding service management
The day-to-day implementation of the strategic direction and operation of the boardingservice.
1.4.4Boarding staff
Persons undertaking a variety of duties in the delivery of the boarding service.
1.4.5 Code of conduct
set of standards describing expected behaviour.1.4.6Community engagement
The support,services,and advocacy activities that community organizations,includingbusinesses and faith-based institutions,provide in order to improve boarder learning andwellbeing, and promote parent/family engagement.
1.4.7 External authorities
Bodies other than boarding service management bodies providing governing legislation,regulations,codes of practice (e.g. National Construction Code) and resources.
1.4.8 Facilities
All aspects of the boarding premises, including buildings, infrastructure, outdoor spaces andother assets.
1.4.9 Governance
The person(s) or entity responsible for the provision of the boarding service.1.4.10 Handbook
A manual of instruction or guidance providing detailed and specific information and/orinstructions.
1.4.11 Head of boarding
The person(s) responsible for the daily management of the boarding service.1.4.12 Host
The person(s) authorized by a boarder’s parents to be responsible for a boarder when theboarder is on leave from the boarding service.
1.4.13 International students
A school student from overseas who meets Australian government international studentrequirements.
1.4.14 Parent(s)
A boarder’s legal parent(s),carer(s) or guardian(s).1.4.15 Parent/family engagement
Partnerships between parents/families and boarding service management and staff that havea positive effect on boarders’academic progress and wellbeing,and approaches that supportparents/families to be involved in their children’s learning and boarding experience.
1.4.16 Policy
A statement of overall intentions and directions of the organization.1.4.17 Procedure
An established, official way of doing something.1.4.18 Shall
Indicates that a statement is mandatory.1.4.19 Should
Indicafes a recommendation.

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