AS NZS 5000.1 pdf download – Electric cables—Polymeric insulated Part 1: For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
3.13 Routine tests
Tests made by the manufacturer on each manufactured length of cable to check that eachlength meets specified requirements.
3.14 Sample tests
Tests made by the manufacturer on samples of completed cable, or components taken fromcompleted cable, adequate to verify that the finished product meets the design specification.3.15Shall
Indicates that a statement is mandatory.3.16Should
Indicates a recommendation.3.17 Type tests
Tests made before supplying on a general commercial basis a type of cable covered by thisStandard,to demonstratc satisfactory performance characteristics that meet the intendedapplication.
3.18 Voltage designation
For cables for a.c. systems,the rated voltages Uo,U and Um expressed in the formUo/U (Um), or for cables for d.c. systems. the rated voltage U—
U。 is the r.m.s. power frequency voltage to earth of the supply system or d.c.
voltage of the supply system for which the cable is designed.
Uis the r.m.s. power frequency voltage between phases of the supply system for
which the cable is designed.
Uis the maximum r.m.s. power frequency voltage between any two phase
conductors for which cables and accessories are designed. It is the highestvoltage that can be sustained under normal operating conditions at any timeand at any point in a system. It excludes voltage variations due to faultconditions and sudden disconnection of large loads.
3.19Wavelength or length of lay
The axial distance between successive crests of the waveform or turns of the helix formed,as appropriate, e.g. by a core of a multicore cable,wire of a stranded conductor,screen orarmour wire, screen or armour tape or the like.
The rated voltage,Uo/U(Um),recognized for the purposes of this Standard is0.6/l (1 .2) kV.
Conductors shall comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 1125.Where tinning isprovided,any wires taken from the completed cable need not comply with the continuityiest for tin plating specified in AS/NZS 1660.1 .
Aluminium may be used for conductors of cross-sectional areas of 16 mm3and above.For aerial cables the conductors shall be hard-drawn copper or aluminium.
A separator tape may be used over the conductor.Any such tape that does not adhere to theinsulation shall be coloured or opaque.
6.1.2 Aerial cables or fixed cables used in outdoor applications The insulation of unsheathed cables subjected to direct sunlight shall be a PVC material complying with the requirements of Clause
6.1.1 and containing a minimum of 1 % carbon black by weight.
NOTES: 1 A manufacturer’s statement is sufficient evidence of conformance for PVC due to the unavailability of a suitable compliance test. 2 Aerial cables insulated with polyolefin materials are covered by AS/NZS 3560.
6.2 Application The insulation shall be applied over, but shall not adhere to, the conductor. For insulated, unsheathed multicore flat cables adjacent cores shall be connected by a web such that the cores can be easily separated by tearing without damage to the insulation of any core. 6.3 Thickness The average thickness of insulation, excluding any separator tape, shall be not less than the nominal thickness (t i ) specified in Table 1, and the minimum thickness at any point shall not fall below the nominal thickness by more than 10 % of the nominal thickness plus 0.1 mm, i.e. minimum thickness = (0.90t i − 0.10 mm). NOTE: The nominal thickness of insulation for 1.0 mm 2 , 1.5 mm 2 and 2.5 mm 2 earth cores may be reduced, see Table 1, to match the size of active conductors with which they are commonly used.