
AS NZS 4879.2 pdf download – Performance of transformers and electronic step-down convertors for ELV lamps Part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) requirements

AS NZS 4879.2 pdf download – Performance of transformers and electronic step-down convertors for ELV lamps Part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) requirements

AS NZS 4879.2 pdf download – Performance of transformers and electronic step-down convertors for ELV lamps Part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) requirements
The performance criteria set out in Clauses 5.2 to 5.5 shall be met by each individual unittested, where applicable, for the ELC model.
5.2Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS)
All ELCs covered by this Standard shall meet the full load MEPS efficiency level as statedin Table 1.
5.3 Declaration of high efficiency
Only those ELCs with efficiency greater than or equal to the efficiency listed in Table lshall be capable of being termed ‘high efficiency’, ‘efficient’or ‘energy efficient’ .
5.4 No load losses
No load losses for ELCs covered by this Standard are under consideration.5.5Output voltage
The output voltage of any ELCs rated between 50-70 W (inclusive) shall be more than11.0 V and less than 12.8 V when measured under special load conditions with a 35 wlamp.
6APPLICATION AND TEST RESULT FORMATS6.1 Application for registration
6.1.1 Australia
In Australia,where the relevant regulatory authority requires registration or approval ofenergy labels or MEPS requirements,Clauses 6.1.2 to 6.1.6 shall apply.
6.1.2 Registration
An application for registration of an ELC, in the format discussed in Appendix A of thisStandard, shall be submitted.
For registration,the relevant state regulatory authority shall be contacted. Details of therelevant regulatory bodies are available from http://www.energyrating.gov.au.
6.1.3 Test report
A test report in accordance with AS/NZS 4879.1 for each model tested shall be held by themanufacturer or responsible vendor if not supplied with the original registration.
6.1.4 Declaration
The manufacturer or responsible vendor of the ELC shall declare compliance with Clause 5.The appropriate documents shall be made available to the relevant regulatory authorityupon request.
6.1.5 Records availability
Records shall be retained for at least five years after the last date of manufacture or import,whichever is applicable.
6.1.6 Duration of registration
Registrations for energy labelling and MEPS may have a validity of up to five years.Registration expiry dates are reviewed annually and records may be extended (up to the fiveyear limit in one year increments) where there is no forthcoming change to regulatoryrequirements.
More details on the duration of registration can be found in the National Appliance andEquipment Energy Efficiency Program Administrative Guideline. The most up-to-dateversion can be obtained from http:// www.energyrating.gov.au.
6.2Holding of records
6.2.1 New Zealand
In New Zealand, where registration is not required,Clauses 6.2.2 to 6.2.4 shall apply.6.2.2 Provision of information
The manufacturer or responsible vendor shall complete and submit the prescribed form tothe relevant regulatory authority.The prescribed form is Appendix A.
l This can be done online at the http://www.energyrating.gov.au website.This is the preferred
method.However,the form can be completed on paper and submitted to the regulatoryauthority Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority (EECA). Models registered in Australiaare deemed to have complied with this requirement.
2 Full details of the regulatory requirements for manufacturers or responsible vendors in New
Zealand are found in the Energy Efficiency(Energy Using Products)Regulations 2002.6.2.3 Test report
A test report for each model of the ELC tested in accordance with AS/NZS 4879.1 shall beheld by the manufacturer or responsible vendor and made available to the relevantregulatory authority upon request.
Under New Zealand’s Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products)Regulations 2002, a testreport shall be made available to the regulatory authority (EECA) upon request within fiveworking days.

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