AS NZS 4220 pdf download – Bunk beds
This Standard specifies safety requirements for bunk beds. These include material,construction, design, and performance requirements, all of which are important for the well-being of the users (especially children) of bunk beds.
The following documents are referred to in this Standard:AS
2281Flexible cellular polyurethane for seat cushioning and beddingAS/NZS ISo
8124 Safety of toys
8124.1Part l: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties
(IsO 8124-1:2000, MOD)
8124.3Part 3: Migration of certain elements3 DEFINITIONS
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply.3.1 Bunk bed
(a)a set of components that are or can be assembled as beds,one stacked over the other
(see Figure 1); or
(b) any bed, other than a hospital bed in which the upper surface of any mattress base isat least 800 mm above the floor surface.
3.2 End rail
A lateral component,fastened between a pair of structural uprights.3.3Gap
An opening bounded either by solid components of a bunk bed (see A in Figure 2) or bysolid components of the bunk bed and a straight imaginary boundary joining solidcomponents in such a manner as to result in a maximum bounded area (see B in Figure 2).3.4 Grip
A component with a circumference that allows a hand to hold and close around its entirecircumference (see Figure 3).
NOTE: The maximum single grip width is 45 mm.3.5 Guardrail
A component of the bunk bed intended to prevent an occupant from falling off the bed.3.6Hazardous sharp edge An edge which fails the appropriate test specified in Clause 6.7.
3.7 Hazardous sharp point
A point which fails the appropriate test specified in Clause base
The surface on which the mattress is supported.3.9 Side rail
A longitudinal component, fastened between a pair of structural uprights (e.g.corner posts)by which the mattress base may be supported.
3.10 Structural uprights
Components to which other components such as the end and side rails are fastened to forma rigid structure.The structural uprights are intended to support the mass of the bunk bedand its contents (including the occupants).
NOTE: A common type of structural upright is the corner post as shown in Figure 1.3.11 Tread
A step or rung of a ladder or other structures designed for climbing.4 MATERIALS
Timber used in bunk beds shall not contain splinters or loose knots and shall be free fromdecay and insect attack which would affect its safe handling or structural integrity.
NOTE: It is recommended that the moisture content not exceed 13%.High moisture content cancause adhesive failure and excessive shrinkage which would affect the structural integrity of thebunk.
4.2 Metals
All exposed metal components,including springs,nuts, bolts,and washers, shall be eithermade of corrosion-resistant material or be protected against corrosion.