
AS ISO ASTM 52901 pdf download – Additive manufacturing — General principles — Requirements for purchased AM parts

AS ISO ASTM 52901 pdf download – Additive manufacturing — General principles — Requirements for purchased AM parts

AS ISO ASTM 52901 pdf download – Additive manufacturing — General principles — Requirements for purchased AM parts
lt gives guidelines for the elements to be exchanged between the customer and the part provider at thetime ofthe order, includingthe customer order information, part definition data,feedstock requirements,final part characteristics and properties, inspection requirements and part acceptance methods.
lt is applicable for use as a basis to obtain parts made by additive manufacturing that meet minimumacceptance requirements.More stringent part requirements can be specified through the addition ofone or more supplementary requirements at the time of the order.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments]) applies.lSo 17296-3,Additive manufacturing — General principles — Part 3: Main characteristics andcorresponding test methods
ISO/ASTM 52900,Additive manufacturing — General principles —Terminology
ISO/ASTM 52921,Standard terminology for additive manufacturing — Coordinate systems and testmethodologies
ASTM F 3122, Standard Guide for Evaluating Mechanical Properties of Metal Materials Made via AdditiveManufacturing Processes
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/ASTM 52900 and thefollowing apply.
IS0 and lEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:—IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
– ISo online browsing platform: available at http:.//www .org/obp3.1
pre-shipment inspection
inspection carried out by the part producer on the parts to be supplied according to the part definitionor on the test units in order to verify that these parts are in compliance with the order requirements3.2
qualification part
part fabricated prior to commencing production which is used to qualify specific aspects of themanufacturing process or part characteristics in order to use as a basis to initiate production
first production part
part with the same geometry (and with the same tolerances), same material and same properties as theone requested by the order that allows verification by the customer (3.8) that the production processesare capable of producing parts that meet the requirements
reference part
part with characteristics similar to the desired final parts but with different geometry or scale orfeatures that can be easily measured or characterized
Note 1 to entry:Reference parts are typically sacrificial parts with simple geometries that are used to verifybuild properties and reduce measurement effort.
agreement between the customer (3.8) and the part provider (3.7) that the delivered part($) meet thepurchase order requirements
inspection plan
set of instructions specifying the process of verification including appropriate resources and sequenceof inspections to be referenced by the manufacturing plan
part provider
manufacturer or distributer of parts produced by an additive manufacturing process
person or group ordering and receiving parts manufactured by additive manufacturing equipment
4 Requirements
The elements described in 4.2 to 4.5 shall be included in the purchase order subject to agreementbetween the customer and the part provider.Annex A provides a typical content of a purchase order.
4.2 Part ordering information
The part order shall include the following elements:
a) customer organization and contact information (preferably with points of contact for ordering,payment and delivery);
b)definition of the part(s) to be manufactured;
c)associated conditions of delivery to the customer;
d)other purchase requirements;
e) a reference identification of this document,i.e. ISO/ASTM 52901 and other relevant
national/international regulations;
f)customer part order identification (requisition number, requisition date, etc.);
g) designation or description of the part(s) desired (part number/identification, revision index,etc.);
h) quantity of parts desired;
The specific values of the elements are subject to agreement between the customer and the part provider.
4.3  Definition of the part to be manufactured
4.3.1  General
The part definition shall include the following elements:
— part geometry;
— tolerances;
— surface texture;
— build orientation, if necessary to meet the customer requirements;
— feedstock for the part to be manufactured, if necessary to meet the customer requirements;
— repair methods (taking into account the testing categories defined in ISO 17296-3);
— acceptable imperfections or deviations;
— process control information.
NOTE  Disclosure of proprietary information is subject to agreement between the customer and the part provider.

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