
AS ISO 18436.6 pdf download – Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines—Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 6: Acoustic emission

AS ISO 18436.6 pdf download – Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines—Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 6: Acoustic emission

AS ISO 18436.6 pdf download – Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines—Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 6: Acoustic emission
e)specify the appropriate hardware and software for both portable and permanently installed systems;
d) set up and verify equipment settings;
e) measure and perform diagnosis of acoustic emission signals;f)measure, interpret and analyse acoustic emission data;
g)verify the calibration of acoustic emission measurement systems;
h) prepare reports on condition,recommend appropriate corrective actions and comment oneffectiveness of repairs;
iprovide technical direction to acoustic emission personnel at or below Category ll;icarry out, supervise and instruct all Category l duties; and
k)be aware of the use of alternative condition monitoring (CM) technologies, at least to Category l level.
4.4Category I1I
Individuals classified as Category lll are qualified to perform and/or direct all types of acoustic emissionmeasurements and analysis. Personnel classified as Category Ill shall be able to:
a)apply acousticemission theory and techniques,including measurement and interpretation of survey
b]understand and perform data analysis, including limitations;
determine the acoustic emission data acquisition systems and component assemblies;d)use non-standard techniques for acoustic emission and fault diagnosis;
e)recommend all generally recognized types of corrective actions;
f)interpret and evaluate standards, codes, specifications and procedures;
g)establish acoustic emission programmes,including determination of the requirement for periodic/continuous monitoring, frequency of testing,etc.;
h) establish programmes for acceptance and severity criteria for new and in-service systems and faulty equipment;
iperform prognostics for fault conditions;
irecommend the use of alternative or supplementary condition monitoring (CM) technologies; andk)guide personnel below Category III.
NOTE lt is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that category Ill personnel have the necessary competencyin the required management skils, for example, creating budgets, preparing cost justifications and managingpersonnel development.
Candidates should have a combination of education, training and experience to ensure that theyunderstand the principles and procedures applicable to acoustic emission measurement and analysis.
5.2 Education
Candidates seeking classification do not need to provide evidence of formal education to establisheligibility.However, it is recommended that Category l and ll candidates have at least a secondary schoolgraduate qualification or its equivalent. Category lland lll candidates shall be able to manipulate simplealgebraic equations,use a basic scientific calculator (including trigonometric and logarithmic functions),and be familiar with the operation of personal computers. Successful completion of two or more yearsof mechanical technology or mechanical engineering at an accredited college, university or technicalschool is highly recommended for candidates seeking classification to Category IlI.
5.3.1 Introduction
To be eligible to apply for assessment based on this part of IS0 18436, the candidates shall provideevidence of successful completion of training based on the requirements of A.2.The training syllabus inA.2 includes the requirement for practical knowledge and practical skills training within the relevanttopics.The documents listed in Annex B provide the body of knowledge for the training syllabus. Theminimum duration of cumulative training is shown in Table 1.Training should be in the form of lectures,demonstrations, practical exercises or formal training courses.
Qualification requirements shall be in accordance with this part of IS0 18436.Training time devoted toeach topic shall be in accordance with A.2 and Table 1.
Training may be modularized into two or more subject areas covering general scientific principles andapplication-specific knowledge in order to allow mutual recognition between non-destructive testingand condition monitoring assessment bodies.
5.3.2 Additional training on machine knowledge
In addition to the training hours shown in Table 1 and detailed in A.2, candidates should attend formalor on-the-job machinery and component training of at least a similar duration to that shown in Table 1.Such training shall be in addition to any formal education compliant with 5.2, inclusive of any collegeor university education. If undertaken, the additional training shall cover the design, implementation,operation and maintenance principles of machines and components, and the failure modes andmechanisms associated with each principle.Such training shall be validated by verifiable records.
5.4 Experience
5.4.1To be eligible to apply for assessment based on this part of IS0 18436, the candidate shall provideevidence to the assessment body of experience in the field of acoustic emission condition monitoring inaccordance with Table 2.Classification to Category ll and Category lll requires previous classification atthe lower category.

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