
API St 20H pdf download

API St 20H pdf download

API St 20H pdf download Heat Treatment Services—Batch Type for Equipment Used in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry
4.3Heat Treatment Specification Levels
4.3.1 Heat Treatment Specification Level 1 (HSL-1) The pyrometric requirements for heat treatment equipment in conformance with HSL-1 shall be inaccordance with 8.2. temperature uniformity survey (TUS) shall be performed every 12 months minimum for the fulltemperature operating range of the furnace in accordance with 8.2. The heat treatment supplier shall record the quench media temperature at start,peak, and finish of thequench cycle. Records shall be maintained.
4.3.2 Heat Treatment Specification Level 2 (HSL-2)
The requirements of HSL-1 apply with the following modifications.︰ ATUS shall be performed every six months minimum for the full temperature operating range of the furnacein accordance with 8.2. media temperature shall be recorded during the entire quench process.Records shall bemaintained. Additional temperatures shall be added to the TUS, as required, to ensure that no two adjacent surveytemperatures are greater than 600°F(335 °C) apart. Thermocouples shall be verified for accuracy or replaced at least every three months, in accordance withthe heat treatment supplier’s written procedure.Records shall be maintained.
4.3.3Heat Treatment Specification Level 3 (HSL-3) The pyrometric requirements for heat treatment equipment in conformance with HSL-3 shall be inaccordance with 8.3. media temperature shall be recorded during the entire quench process.Records shall bemaintained. The heat treatment supplier shall have the capability of using multiple contact or heat sink thermocouples.4.3.4 Conformance to the requirements of HSL-3 also qualifies as HSL-1 or HSL-2.
4.4Processing Class
4.4.1Table 1 specifies the processing classes and material grades that define the heat treatment supplierscapabilities.
4.4.2 Heat treatment of Processing Class 4 shall be performed by a HSL-2 or HSL-3 heat treatmentsupplier.Records of Qualification
The following records are required to document the qualification of heat treatment.—Records required by Section 13.
Records required by Section 14.
5Responsibilities and Duties
lt is the responsibility of the heat treatment supplier to ensure that it;
– performs all heat treatment in accordance with specified standards and applicable quality control criteria;
-performs only heat treatment for which it is adequately equipped and staffed;
performs only heat treatment for which its employees are adequately qualified;
assures equipment is calibrated and personnel are qualified in accordance with the requirements of the supplier’swritten procedure;
assures facility and equipment is properly maintained;
informs the purchaser of any discrepancy or limitation imposed on the requested heat treatment by such factorsas size, traceability, form, shape, material , or procedure;
– calls to the attention of the purchaser any irregularity or deficiency noted in the procurement documents;
promptly submits formal reports of all heat treatment to the purchaser; and
– informs the purchaser of noncompliance of the specified standards or procurement document requirements.6 Personnel Training Requirements
Personnel performing heat treatment shall be trained and qualified in accordance with requirements of the heattreatment suppliers written procedure.Records of training and qualification shall be maintained.
7 Heat Treatment Facility Capability
The heat treatment supplier shall complete and maintain a current list of equipment used in heat treatment to thisstandard. The required data and a sample data format are listed in Annex A.
7.2ldentification and Traceability
The heat treatment supplier shall have a documented procedure for control of identification and traceabilitythroughout the process.The procedure shall include, as a minimum:
a) the method for verifying traceability upon recelipt of material,b) the method for marking the product,
c) the method for ensuring traceability of product after any processing where the original marking could be removed,and
d) requirements for maintenance or replacement of identification or traceability marks.
8Heat Treatment Equipment Temperature Uniformity Survey (TuS) and Calibration8.1Calibration
Equipment used to record heat treatment or other equipment necessary to control heat treatment operations shall beidentified, controlled, calibrated, and adjusted at specified intervals to maintain the accuracy required by this standard.Calibration shall be performed in accordance with documented instructions, which are consistent with nationally orinternationally recognized standards specified by the heat treatment supplier.Records shall be maintained.
8.2HSL-1 and HSL-2 Furnace TUs and Instrumentation Calibration
8.2.1 Tus Temperature Tolerances (High Heat Only)
The temperature at any point in the working zone of a furnace used for austenitizing, nomalizing, annealing, orsolution annealing shal not vary by more than +25 “F(+14 “C) from the fumace set-point temperature after thefurmnace working zone has been brought up to temperature.
8.2.2Tus Temperature Tolerances (Low Heat Only)
Furnaces used for tempering,aging, and/or stress-relieving shall not vary by more than ±15 °F (±8 C)from thefumace set-point temperature after the funace working zone has been brought up to temperature.
8.2.3 TUS Temperature Tolerances(Combined Low and High Heat Furnaces)
For furnaces used for both the heat treatment operations specified in 8.2.1 and 8.2.2, the heat treatment supplier shalldefine the temperature range for each operation. The furnace temperature tolerance shall conform to therequirements specified in 8.2.1 or 8.2.2,as appropriate.

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