API SPEC Q2 pdf download Specification for Quality Management System Requirements for Service Supply Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
Management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the qualitymanagement system and continually improving its effectiveness by:
a) communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as legal and other applicable
b) ensuring that quality objectives are established including key performance indicators (KPls) for use in data
analysis; and
cconducting management reviews (see 6.5).4.2.2 Responsibility and Authority
Roles, responsibilities and authorities shall be defined, documented, assigned within, and communicated throughoutthe organization.
The organization’s management shall appoint a specific management representative(s) from within the organizationwho shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for:
a) ensuring that the quality management system is established , implemented and maintained in accordance with therequirements of this document;
b) initiating action(s) to minimize the likelihood of the occurrence of nonconformities; and
c) reporting to management on the performance of the qualitymanagement system for review,including
recommendations for improvement.
4.3Organization Capability4.3.1 Provision of Resources
The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed to implement,maintain, and improve theeffectiveness of the quality management system.
4.3.2 Human Resources
The organization shall maintain a documented procedure for defining personnel competency within the organizationand identifying training requirements. The procedure shall provide for the training of all personnel. The procedureshall include provisions for ensuring the effectiveness of the actions taken to achieve the necessary competency ofpersonnel. Personnel Competence
Personnel performing activities shall be competent based on the appropriate education,training,skills andexperience needed to meet service and service-related product requirements. Evidence of the determination ofcompetence of personnel shall be recorded and maintained (see 4.5). Training and AwarenessThe organization shall:
a) provide for quality management system training and for job training of the organization’s personnel and
contractors who affect the execution of services or provision of service-related products;
b) ensure that customer-specified training and/or customer-provided training, if required, is included in the training
c)ensure that the frequency and content of training complies with legal and other applicable requirements;
d) ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to
the achievement of the quality objectives;
e) identify and provide training on legal and other applicable requirements; and
f)maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience (see 4.5).4.3.3 Work Environment
The organization shall determine,provide,manage,and maintain the work environment needed to achieveconformity to applicable service or service-related product requirements. Work environment includes, as applicable:a) buildings, workspace, and associated utilities;
b) process equipment (both hardware and software);
c) supporting services (such as transport or communication or information systems); and
d) conditions under which work is performed including physical, environmental, and other factors.4.4Documentation Requirements
The quality management system documentation shall include:a) statements of quality policy and quality objectives;
b) a quality manual that addresses each requirement of this document and includes the following:1) scope of the quality management system,
2) description of the interaction between the processes of the quality management system, including the referenceto documented procedures,
3) allowable exclusions and the basis for claiming those exclusions (see 1.2), and
4) identification of legal and other applicable requirements to which the organization claims compliance;