API RP 97L pdf download Onshore Well Construction Interface Document
4Drilling Contractor’s and Lease Operator’s SEMs Interface
The following sections identify key elements to be addressed to develop alignment between the lease operatorand drlling contractor programs. This should be done by demonstrating agreement or by resolving differencesin their respective programs.
4.2Management Principles and Organizational Structures
The interfaces between the drilling contractor’s and the lease operator’s SEMS should be agreed upon by bothparties. The roles and responsibilities of supervisory personnel at the wellsite and other appropriate personnelshall be agreed upon between the lease operator and drilling contractor.For simultaneous operations (SIMOPS),this should include all parties involved (i.e.operator, contractor, and third-party services), and an individual withthe authority to oversee and coordinate activities on all involved parties shall be identified.
The interface oflease operator and driling contractor principles and organizational structures should be developedin accordance with API 75L to promote safety and environmental protection.Specific management expectationsshould be defined.A WCID should not be a republication of each company’s SEMS; instead, it should be theinterface between the two safety management systems intended to address well-specific issues and to identifywhose SEMS elements govern which activities. The intention of this document is to provide a mechanism forthe lease operator and the drilling contractor to demonstrate agreement or resolve differences between eachcompany’s SEMS elements.
The WCID should include the drilling contractor’s rig-specific operating guidelines and its site-specific assessmentof critical well activities (e.g. blowout preventer [BOPj operations, shut-in procedures, etc.).
The drilling contractor and lease operator should specify the position(s) responsible for the safe and efficientoperation of the rig in accordance with applicable regulations, including emergency situations. This includesthe establishment of procedures for both internal and external communications of safety and environmentalinformation.The description or link should include the following:
a)drilling contractor’s and lease operator’s key office-based personnel;b) drilling contractor’s and lease operator’s key wellsite-based personnel.
The WCID should establish the exchange and alignment of safety and environmental management informationprior to commencing work (see Section 5).
4.3Safety and Environmental lnformation
Safety and environmental information for the rig and third-party equipment should be agreed upon by all partiesinvolved.
The rig-specific operating guidelines provide a basis for implementing SEMS elements. Rig description andsupporting information can include mudflow management equipment (i.e.mud gas separators, diverter system,etc.).Equipment required to maintain and monitor barriers can include alarm systems (gas detectors, pit volumetotalizer [PVT], flow meters) and well control systems. Third-party equipment interfaces with the rig systems thatmay need to be addressed include water, rig air, and electrical power.
For SIMOPS,the possibility that the functionality or operability of critical equipment or systems can becompromised should be considered.