API RP 5MT pdf download Pipeline Inspection Documents for Material Traceability and Electronic Test Reports
1 Scope
This standard is for carbon and low-alloy steel pipe and components used in the compression, pumping, andtransmission of crude petroleum, petroleum products, fuel gases,carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and, where applicable,covers distribution systems. This standard applies to new assets and does not retroactively apply to in-serviceassets.
This standard provides a method for the electronic exchange of MTR inspection documents from manufacturerto purchaser to support enhanced material traceability and records for steel line pipe, and could be applied torelated steel assets. Data models for each asset type/product are provided in separate annexes; annexes fornew asset types will be incrementally added to this standard as necessary.
The users of this standard are purchasers (operators and distributors) and manufacturers, and it is intended thatall work performed in accordance with this standard either meets or exceeds its requirements.
The values stated in either U.S. Customary Units (USC) or metric units (SIl) are to be regarded separately asstandard.Each system is intended to be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way.While this standard is comprehensive, it may not address all issues that may arise.The absence of guidanceor requirements is not to be considered prohibitive to a particular activity or approach that is based upon soundengineering judgment. For example, other industry standards, reliable engineering tests and analyses, or otherestablished industry practices may serve as useful references to establish sound engineering judgment.
2Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard.For dated references,only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest edition (including any addenda or errata) applies.API Specification 5L,Line Pipe (46t Edition)
For a list of other documents referenced by or related to this standard, refer to the Bibliography.Terms,Definitions, and Abbreviations
For the purpose of this standard , the following terms, definitions,and abbreviations apply.3.1 Terms and Definitions
An entity that purchases pipe from the manufacturer and distributes it to the operator.
NOTE The distributor may or may not take physical possession of the pipe and may or may not be responsible fortransferring material inspection and traceability documentation from the manufacturer to the operator.
electronic form
An electronic file in a database or spreadsheet format.
An entity that converts raw materials into finished products (such as a pipe mill),or an organization thatmanufactures the respective products according to the requirements of the order and to the properties specifiedin the referenced product specification.
MTR inspection document
A quality assurance document provided by the manufacturer to the purchaser that certifies a material’s chemicaland physical properties, and certifies its conformance with a manufacturing specification and/or purchase order.
An end user of a product.
An entity (that could be an operator or distributor) that purchases pipe from a manufacturer.
Z identification number
An identification number that permits the correlation of the product with the related inspection document.
NOTE While “”Z identification number” is the terminology specified in APl 5L (46MEdition),11.2.1, item i), the concept ofa one-to-one match between the material and inspection document applies across all product forms and may be referred toas heat number, lot number, serial number, manufacturing code, etc.
American Standards Committee
comma-separated values
electronic data interchange
JavaScript Object Notation
material test report
Portable Document Format
product specification level
Secure File Transfer Protocol
traceable, verifiable, and complete
Extensible Markup Language
4Data supply and Handling
4.1Document Controls
This standard provides two primary deliverables: (1) electronic data interchange options (see 4.2) and (2) datamodels (see 4.3).
The information supplied by any manufacturer or processor as part of this standard need not be encryptedor protected in any way, as it is deemed only to be accurate upon initial transmittal by the generator (i.e.,manufacturer or processor).The manufacturer or processor shall not be liable for any modification to the supplieddata after it passes from their control.