
API RP 1168 pdf download

API RP 1168 pdf download

API RP 1168 pdf download Pipeline Control Room Management
-managing distractions;
considering additional controls or required orientations for personnel due to new operating conditions; andor-ensuring that first responder agencies/authorities are notified of emergencies;
– ensuring notifications are made prior to activities that could impact control room operations.5 Guidelines for Shift Turnover
Establishing practices for shift turnover reduces the possibility of an unplanned event and improves pipelineoperations. Pipeline operators should establish a shift turnover process to ensure that relevant operating informationis transferred.This may include overlap time between outgoing and incoming pipeline Controllers as applicable. Theoperator should determine when a documented shit change process is necessary and the level of appropriate detail.Turnovers are not limited to scheduled activities, but also include unscheduled ones (e.g.illness, home emergencies).5.2Shift Turnover Process
Pipeline operators should establish an overall shit turnover process that includes the level of information to beexchanged.A checklist may be used during shift turnover. When considering the level of information exchange, theprocess should take into consideration the following:
when a shift change is needed and not needed;-Controller’s proximity to the console;- length of time away from the console (breaks);
type of technology andlor process used to monitor while away from the console(e.g. audible alams vs. visual);-proper coverage; and/or
-how information is to be exchanged and documented.5.3Shift Turnover Procedure
To ensure effective shit turnover, pipeline operators should establish shift turnover procedures and train pipelineControllers on the process. A shit turnover procedure should address aspects that impact operational safety andcontinuity.These items may include:
ensuring system control accountability during turnover;ensuring uninterrupted monitoring;
ensuring initiated operational commands are fully executed andlor will be properly folowed through by incomingController;
-recording of the accountability transfer inclusive of date and time;-a process for addressing fatigue and other related issues; and
-managing distractions that could adversely impact transfer of information.5.4Shift Turnover Information Exchange
A turnover information exchange should be conducted to brief incoming pipeline Controllers on the status of currentoperations.The shift turnover process should be defined and followed on a consistent basis by all Controllers.Part ofthis turnover information exchange should be the clear understanding for outgoing pipeline Controllers that incomingpipeline Controllers have taken over the responsibility of the operations. This should include electronic or hard copychecklists or signed documents that are developed and maintained by the pipeline operator.
5.5lnformation to Exchange
Pipeline operators should determine the extent and detail of information provided and documented for effective shiftturnover. The following major categories of information are examples of items that may be addressed during shitturnover:
-AOCs/AOs/emergencies;-daily operation information;
status of scheduled/unscheduled maintenance activities;-changes to physical assets, practices, and responsibilities;
equipment malfunction or temporarily out of service;
-general communication issues;
-natural disaster and weather events that impact or may impact operations;alarm reviews; and
-third-party events with potential direct or indirect impact on operations.
5.5.2 Abnormal Operating Condition(AOC),Abnormal Operation (AO), and Emergencies
Any unresolved AOC, AO, or emergency shall be communicated to the incoming Controller by means determined bythe operator. Any actions taken or planned to remedy the condition shall also be conveyed to the incoming Controller.5.5.3 Daily Operation Information
Basic information about daily operations should be conveyed during shift turnover with emphasis on imminentactivities.The following items of daily operation may be included during the shift turnover:
-status of shipment schedules;
-linepack/pressure issues;

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