API MPMS 11.3.3 pdf download Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11.3.3 Miscellaneous Hydrocarbon Product Properties—Denatured Ethanol Density and Volume Correction Factors
1 Scope1.1General
This standard covers density and volume correction factors for denatured fuel ethanol. The actual standard consistsof the explicit implementation procedures set forth in this document. Sample tables and other examples created froma computerized version of this implementation procedure are presented as examples only and do not represent thestandard.
1.2Limits of Application
This standard is applicable at any operating temperature to bulk (e.g. tank trucks, tank cargos, barges) denatured95 % to 99 % fuel ethanol containing D4806 allowed denaturants (natural gasoline, gasoline blend stocks, andunleaded gasoline) and denatured, 99+ % fuel ethanol containing less than 1 % denaturant. This standard does notapply to undenatured ethanol of any purity.Annex E extends the range of application to -40 to 60 C (-40 to 140 °F)over the pressure range of 0 to 15 MPa (0 to 2200 psi).
2Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including anyamendments) applies.
APIMPMS Ch.11.1-2004,Temperature and Pressure Volume Correction Factors for Generalized Crude Oils,Refined Products, and Lubricating Oils (includes Addendum dated September 2007).
API MPMs Ch.12.1.1-2012,Calculation of Static Petroleum Quantities—Upright Cylindrical Tanks and MarineVessels.
3Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply.3.1
absolute densityRHO
The mass of a substance per unit of volume at a specified temperature and pressure.3.2
alpha α
Aproduct-specific thermal coefficient of expansion used in the API MPMSCh.11.1 equations for VCFs (AnnexA).3.3
correction for the effect of pressure on liquidCPL
Compensates for the effect of pressure on a liquid.3.4
correction for the effect of temperature on liquidCTL
compensates for the effect of temperature on a liquid.
correction for the effect of temperature and pressure on liquidCTPL
Corrects a volume at an observed temperature and pressure to an equivalent volume at a reference temperature andpressure and is equal to CTLx CPL.This combination of factors is also often referred to as a VCF.
Materials added to ethanol under a formula approved by a regulatory agency to make it unsuitable for beverage use.
denatured 95 % to 99 % fuel ethanol
Fuel ethanol denatured with natural gasoline, gasoline blendstocks, or regular gasoline in accordance with US federalregulations.
denatured 99+ % fuel ethanol
Fuel ethanol denatured with less than 1 % federally approved denaturants in accordance with US federal regulations.
denatured fuel ethanol
Fuel ethanol made unfit for beverage use by the addition of denaturants allowed by D4806 for automotive spark-ignition engine fuel under formula(s) approved by the applicable regulatory agency to prevent the imposition ofbeverage alcohol tax.
Ethyl alcohol, the chemical CzH5OH.
fuel ethanol
A grade of undenatured ethanol with other components common to its production (including small amounts of water)that do not affect the use of the product as a component for automotive spark ignition engine fuels.
A volatle mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, generally containing small amounts of additives, suitable for use as a fuel inspark-ignition internal combustion engines.
gross observed volumeGov
The total volume of all petroleum or chemical liquids and sediment and water, excluding free water, at observedtemperature and pressure.
gross standard volumeGsv
The GOV gross observed volume corrected by the appropriate factors from the observed temperature and pressureto the specified reference conditions.