
API 554 pdf download

API 554 pdf download

API 554 pdf download Process Control Systems— Project Execution and Process Control System Ownership
ISA 98.00.01,Qualifications and Certification of Control System Technicians
ISATR84.00.03-2002,Guidance for Testing of Process Sector Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) lmplementedas or Within Safety instrumented Systems (Sls)
3Terms and Definitions
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutesrequirements of this document For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, thelatest edition of the referenced document (including any addenda) applies.
batch control
Control functions that occur in a series of complex steps or phases that may combine continuous control,sequence control, and discrete control to execute a processing scheme.
The process of preparing a PCS and all of its components and field instrumentation for operation after ll looptesting and validation testing has been completed.
continuous control
Control functions that are continuously and repetitively executed to control the values of process variables suchas pressure, temperature, flow, etc. that are part of a continuous process such as a refining process,or within aportion of a process associated with a batch control system.
control loop
That part of an instrument control system that includes the input sensor, transmitter, communication path, controlalgorithm, and final control element. Control algorithm may be executed as one of many such algorithms in aPCs or be performed by stand-alone electronic, pneumatic, or mechanical devices.
discrete control
Control functions that involve on-off operations and interlocks. Discrete control variables are generally associatedwith thresholds above or below which a control action is taken. The control action is a discrete function such asopening or closing a valve, starting or stopping a motor, etc.
The coding and decoding of data transmissions using algorithms and encryption keys that are known only to thesending and receiving devices. A wide variety of encryption techniques and algorithms are available and havevarying levels of security associated with them.
enterprise resource planningERP
Systems that are used to identify and coordinate supplies of raw materials, intermediate materials,finishedproducts, consumables, and other material or resources required to operate a manufacturing business.
Ethernet is an asynchronous communications method that allows messages to collide and provides for a collisiondetection and a random pause and retry means of allowing multiple devices to communicate.Ethernet standardsare defined in the IEEE 1802.x series of standards.

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