
ISO IEC 23127-1 pdf – Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Metadata for facilitators of online learning — Part 1: Framework

ISO IEC 23127-1 pdf – Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Metadata for facilitators of online learning — Part 1: Framework

ISO IEC 23127-1 pdf – Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Metadata for facilitators of online learning — Part 1: Framework
6OLF data elements
OLF information shall be described in MLR data elements format in accordance withISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd 1:2014, Clause 7.
A data element is a 3 or 4 parts entity, either
1) dataElementSpecificationIlD is the identifier of a data element specification (said to be the
specification of the data element);
2) subject is the information being described (denoted by an identifier) that belongs to the domainof the data element (as given in the data element specification);
3) contentValue is the actual information recorded as the content of the data element (its content
value) that belongs to the codomain of the data element (as given in the data elementspecification);4) languageCode is a code, from BCP 41l , for the name of the language used (in the contentValue part)
if that content is linguistically significant (that is the linguistic indicator value from this dataelement specification is “linguistic”).
7 Specification of OLF classes7.1Definition of a resource class
A resource class is a subset of OLF information that can be identified with explicit boundaries andmeaning and whose properties and behaviour follow the same rules.In this document, the metadata forOLF consists of a hierarchy of resource classes.
7.2Attributes of a resource class
The class specification attributes shall be as specified in the MLR format according toISO/IEC 19788-1:2011,Clause 8/Amd 1:2014.
7.3 Resource class specification: Matrix template
This document uses a matrix template defined in MLR according to ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, Clause 8/Amd 1:2014.
Generic OLF classes8.1 General
This clause describes high-level resource classes (Figure 1) that may be reused in other OLF parts inthis series or user defined application profiles.Among them, OLF information is the super-class, andother classes are considered as sub-classes of it.
9 Predefined rule sets Predefined rule sets in this document shall be as specified in the MLR format according to ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, Clause 9.
10 Specification of application profiles
10.1 General An application profile is a defined structured collection of data element specifications chosen to satisfy the particular needs of a community, or communities. User extensions can be made in this way.
10.2 Application profile attributes The application profile attributes shall be as specified in the MLR format according to ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011/Amd 1:2014, Clause 12.
10.3 DEGS ’ matrix In this standard series, the application profile attributes shall be described in a DEGS matrix, which shall be as specified in the MLR format according to ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, Clause 11. The privacy indicator/privacy semantic information could be expressed as a statement using the “conditional ” value.
10.4 Application profile: Example The matrix shown in Table 10 provides an example of DEGS ’ matrix, which is one part of an application profile developed for some country, where “home address” and “license number ” are data elements needing or requiring protection.

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