
ISO 22497 pdf download

ISO 22497 pdf download

ISO 22497 pdf download Doors, windows and curtain walling — Curtain walling — Vocabulary
This document provides definitions for terms used in documents, drawings, specifications, etc., whenreferring to the detailed elements of curtain walling.
lt provides a comprehensive, though not total, list of regular terms.
lt does not set out to repeat those physical definitions properly included within individual curtainwalling standards related to performance requirements and associated test methods.
2Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definition
ISO and lEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:-ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:/ /www.iso .org/obp
—IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www.electropedia .org/
bonded glazing
type of curtain walling where the glass is primarily retained by a perimeter seal(3.21) and maybe witha supplementary mechanical restraint (see Figure A.8)
Note 1 to entry: Formerly known as structural sealant glazing (SSGs).3.2
cassette construction
type of curtain walling construction comprisingglazed or infilled sub-frames inserted in to a frameworkof usually vertical and/or horizontal profiles
component which protects the junction between the curtain walling and the roof edge from weather(see Figure A.9)
cover capface cover
profiled external cover applied, usually snap fitted, over the face of the pressure plate (3.22 ) to providean architectural finish (see Figure A.1,Figure A.3 and Figure A.4)
cradle guidegondola guide
specially profiled continuous recess or projection designed into or separately attached to the mullion(3.20) to provide a location guide for an access cradle (see Figure A.1)
curtain walling
part of the building envelope made of a framework usually consisting of horizontal and vertical profiles,connected together and anchored to the supporting structure of the building, and containing fixed and/)or openable infills,which provides all the required functions of an internal or external wall or partthereof, but does not contribute to the load bearing or the stability of the structure of the building
Note 1 to entry: Curtain walling is designed as a self-supporting construction which transmits dead-loads,imposed loads,environmental loads(wind, snow,etc.) and seismic loads to the main building structure.
Note 2 to entry: In some English speaking countries, the term “curtain wall” is also used to describe curtainwalling.
Note 3 to entry: The term “curtain wall” in English may be used for other types of external wall.
Note 4 to entry: Fixed and/or openable infills can be described as fixed and/or openable parts in some countries.3.7
double skin curtain walling
type of curtain walling (3.6) comprising inner and outer skins and an air cavity, designed and supportedas an integrated system fulfilling the functions of the curtain walling (3.6)(see Figure A.7)
drainage holeweep hole
opening through which water drains to the building exterior (see Figure A.3-and Figure A.11)3.9
external glazing gasket
preformed resilient profiled length of sealing material installed between the external face of a glasspane, insulating glass unit (3.16) or infill panel (3.14) and the surrounding frame glazing bead (3.11) orpressure plate (3.22) (see Figure A.3-and Figure A.4)
fixing bracket
assembly of components designed to transmit all actions on the curtain walling (3.6) back to the buildingstructure while allowing any required movement (see Figure A.1)
glazing bead
length of profiled material used around the periphery of a pane of glass, insulating glass unit (3.16) orinfill panel (3.14) to secure it in its frame
Note 1 to entry: Term “glazing stop” is also used in some countries.3.12
glazing seal
amorphous sealing material installed between face of a glass pane, insulating glass unit (3.16) or infillpanel (3.14) and the surrounding frame,glazing bead (3.11) or pressure plate (3.22)
horizontal framing member positioned at the top of the curtain walling (3.6) or at the top of an area ofglass, windows, panels or doors (see Figure A.1 and Figure A.6)

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