ISO 19809 pdf download Packaging — Accessible design — Information and marking
1 Scope
This document provides requirements and recommendations concerning accessible design of consumerpackaging with regard to information and marking.
This document specifies considerations and methods for designing and presenting information andmarking to make consumer packages accessible to people with the widest range of capabilities byconsidering their sensory and cognitive abilities.
This document applies to all types of information and marking presented on consumer packaging.Specifically excluded from this document are information and marking for medicinal products andmedical devices including tamper verification.
The design considerations and methods specified in this documentare primarily intended for designers,developers and evaluators of packaging.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 3864-1,Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 1: Design principles for safetysigns and safety markings
ISo 8317,Child-resistant packaging —Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packagesISO 17351,Packaging – Braille on packaging for medicinal products
ISO 21067-1, Packaging — Vocabulary – Part 1: General terms
ISO24503,Ergonomics —Accessible design –Tactile dots and bars on consumer products
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the termsand definitions given in ISO21067-1 and the following apply.IS0 and lEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:—IEC Electropedia: available at
– ISo online browsing platform: available at
extent to which a user can understand the appropriate information as it is intended[SOURCE: ISO 17480:2015,3.5]
consumer packaging
packaging, constituting, with its contents, a sales unit to the final user or consumer at the point of retail[SOURCE: ISO 17480:2015,3.1]
context of use
combination of specified users, goals and tasks, resources and environment
Note 1 to entry:The environment in a context of use includes the technical, physical, social and organizationalenvironments.
[SOURCE: ISO 9241-11:1998,3.5—— modified.]3.4
instrument-based evaluation
evaluation that uses measurement instruments to obtain data3.5
user-based evaluation
evaluation that uses a method involving users with or without the use of measurement instrumentsand provides insight into the user’s sensory, physical and cognitive aspects
tactile information
human sensory information generated by touch
Note 1 to entry:There are two types of touch sensing.One is passive and the other active, the latter being calledhaptic.In this document, tactile information means both types of touch sensing.
4 Design considerations for increasing accessibility of information and markingfor packaging
4.1General design consideration
4.1.1Considerations of diverse users and diverse contexts of use
Designing information and marking of packaging shall consider on diverse users and diverse contextof use. Diverse users include users with different ages, genders, human abilities (sensory, physicaland cognitive), languages,as well as life styles and cultures. Context of use includes differentphysical environments (lighting, thermal condition), tasks involved in and social and organizationalenvironments.
Annex A presents disabilities of human sensory, physicaland cognitive abilities, and their consequences,as well as aging effects.
4.1.2Use of alternative or multiple means of presentation
Information and marking on packaging should be presented with at least two different means ofpresentation for users who are unable to obtain some information due to their disabilities. Wheneverpossible, multiple means of presentation should be employed to increase accessibility. Different meansinclude different sensory inputs/outputs, different modes of presentation within the same sensoryability, e.g.colours and symbols, and different methods of presentation, e.g. printed letters and audioinformation.
The following considerations may apply but are not restricted to the following:
– represent some or a whole part of the printed visual information by tactile or auditory information;
EXAMPLE 1 Braille used on medicinal packaging to present some of the printed information (see ISO 17351).
— use colour information additionally to discriminate the different meanings of visual information merely expressed by letters and symbols, or vice versa;