
ISO 16055 pdf download

ISO 16055 pdf download

ISO 16055 pdf download Tobacco and tobacco products — Monitor test piece for smoking machine — Requirements and use
4 Requirements
4.1 The monitor test pieces shall be produced from one production batch.
4.2 The number of monitor test pieces produced shall be sufficient to cover the needs of a period of at least two years.
4.3 For reasons of homogeneity, the cut tobacco used shall be taken from one well-mixed batch (if possible, it is advisable to use a single grade of tobacco with no addition of further materials, such as stems, humectants or flavours, to avoid unnecessary heterogeneity of the blend).
4.4 The non-tobacco materials used, such as cigarette paper and filters, shall be taken from one production batch and strict quality-control measures shall be applied during the production of the filters. Recommended specifications for the production of the monitor test piece are given in Annex A . The requirements shall include a stable yield for carbon monoxide which is best obtained with a non- ventilated filter. Therefore, the recommendation is that the monitor test piece is unventilated. If it is necessary to use humectants for the tobacco, only glycerol is allowed. Propylene glycol cannot be used due to its high vapour pressure, which can lead to uncontrolled (undetected) loss of mass during conditioning.
4.5 The production tolerances on tobacco mass, circumference and draw resistance of the monitor test piece shall be controlled as precisely as possible. It is normally necessary to modify production practices to obtain the required consistency in physical, chemical and smoke yields of the monitor test pieces (see example for CORESTA Monitor Test Piece in Table A.2). Mass control is critical in the production of a reliable monitor test piece. Excessive mass variation contributes to unacceptable variation in smoke yields.
4.6 The monitor test pieces in a lot shall show consistent values for the content of nicotine-free dry particulate matter, nicotine and carbon monoxide in their smoke yields under the use of the smoking regime specified in ISO 3308 and for the content of nicotine and carbon monoxide under the use of smoking regime specified in ISO 20778. This consistency shall be assessed by means of a comparative study of sufficient size; the size chosen depending on whether the monitor is for local or broader use (see ISO 5725-2).
4.7 The packaged monitor test pieces shall be stored at a temperature below or equal to +4 °C until they are to be used.
NOTE Other reference standards in the tobacco field require a storage temperature below −16 °C for reasons of hygiene. Normally, a storage temperature of +4 °C is sufficient for monitor test pieces.
4.8 The product design shall ensure that the smoke yields (nicotine-free dry particulate matter, nicotine and carbon monoxide) are sufficiently high per monitor test piece (see example in Table A.4) so that the influence from a possible offset in the smoking machine settings can be distinguished from the normal variation of the smoke yields.
4.9 It is essential to make the monitor test piece clearly distinguishable from commercial cigarettes. The monitor test pieces shall be packed in hard boxes of 20 which should be carrying a text. EXAMPLE Monitor No. X, for laboratory purposes only and not for human consumption [date of production].
5 Testing Testing of the lot, including determination of the values for carbon monoxide, nicotine-free dry particulate matter and nicotine in the smoke, shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 3308, ISO 8454, ISO 4387, ISO 10315 and ISO 10362-1 or ISO 10362-2 in the form of an interlaboratory trial run in accordance with ISO 5725-2. For the intense smoking regime, the test for carbon monoxide and nicotine shall be performed in accordance with ISO 20778, ISO 20779, ISO 22947 and ISO 22253. Monitor test pieces for daily routine use may be produced by the individual company for its own purposes. However, for the purposes of interlaboratory comparisons or for comparison of analytical consistency between laboratories, it is advised to use monitor test pieces from a common source. In the case that the monitor test pieces shall be shipped, it is recommended to add an identifier like. Samples are of no commercial value/value given for custom purposes only and/or purpose: For testing purposes only, not for resale. This gives a clear statement about the intended use of the test pieces. NOTE 1 At present, a monitor test piece is available from CORESTA . NOTE 2 The CORESTA monitor test piece is tested annually for consistent smoke yields in an interlaboratory study in accordance with ISO 5725-2.
6 Data sheet information
6.1 General A data sheet from the source of supply of the monitor test piece shall be included. It shall contain the information set out in 6.2 and 6.3.
6.2 General production specifications The specifications for test piece length, test piece diameter, test piece mass (including its standard deviation), filter length, tipping length, filter material.

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