IEC 63093-3 pdf – Ferrite cores – Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities – Part 3: Half pot-cores made of ferrite for inductive proximity switches
1 Scope
This part of lEC 63093-3 specifies the dimensions that are of importance for mechanicalinterchangeability for a preferred range of half pot-cores made of ferrite,intended to be usedin inductive proximity switches.Half pot-cores for inductive proximity switches are also called
The selection of core sizes and shapes for this document is based on the philosophy ofincluding those sizes and shapes which are industrialstandards,either by inclusion in anational standard, or by broad-based use in industry.
This part of IEC 63093 can also be considered as a sectional specification useful in thenegotiations between ferrite core manufacturers and customers about surface irregularities. lt
provides guidelines on the allowable limits of surface irregularities applicable to PS-cores inaccordance with the relevant generic specification.
Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of theircontent constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the editioncited applies.For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
IEC 60401-1,Terms and nomenclature for cores made of magnetically soft ferrites – Part 1:Terms used for physical irregularities
IEC 60424-1:2015, Ferrite cores – Guidelines on the limits of surface irregularities – Part 1:General specification
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in lEC 60401-1 andlEC60424-1 apply.
ISO and lEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
. IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
.Iso Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.orglobp
4Primary dimensions
4.1 General
PS-cores are primarily suited for use in inductive proximity switches.The design of PS-coresis guided by the following considerations:
– the ratio of the thickness of the outer wall to the thickness of the back wall is preferably 1:1;
– the location, design and dimension of the wire-ways, holes and slots are made to easily accommodate the leading connection wires out from the interior of the core;
– the diameter of the centre pole and centre pole hole is regulated by the type of sensor application that can require a hole, a blind hole, or no hole.
Fundamental types of PS-cores are shown in Figure 1.
The nomenclature of dimensions given in Figure 2 applies to all examples given in Figure 1.
4.2 Nomenclature of dimensions
The nomenclature of dimensions is shown in Figure 2.
4.3 Dimensions of PS-cores Compliance with the following requirements ensures mechanical interchangeability of complete assemblies and wound coil formers. The principal dimensions and tolerances of PS- cores shall be as given in Table 1. See also Figure 2. Dimensions which are not specified in Table 1 follow the agreement between manufacturers and users.
4.4 Requirements In order to avoid damage to the coils and their interconnection wires, the core shall be delivered without flashes. Flashes according to 3.3 of IEC 60424-1:2015 shall not be present either on the winding area limiting surfaces, including edges, or on the wire connection feed- through holes.
4.5 Marking A manufacturer specific marking should be clearly visible for types PS 7,35 and larger, preferably on the back wall of the core.
5 Limits of surface irregularities General
5.1 Surface irregularities are defined in IEC 60424-1. 5.2 Examples of surface irregularities Figure 3 shows different examples of surface irregularities on a PS-core.