
IEC 63078 pdf – Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing – Test methods for induction through-heating installations

IEC 63078 pdf – Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing – Test methods for induction through-heating installations

IEC 63078 pdf – Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing – Test methods for induction through-heating installations
1 Scope
This clause of lEC 60398:2015 is replaced by the following.
This document specifies the test procedures,conditions and methods for determining themain performance parameters and operational characteristics of induction through-heatinginstallations.
Measurements and tests that are solely used for the verification of safety requirements of theinstallations are outside the scope of this document and are covered by IEC 60519-1 andIEC 60519-3.
This document is applicable to the induction heating installations which through-heat thewhole or part of metal billet or workpiece for its subsequent hot forming (e.g. forging,extruding and rolling), using low,mains or medium frequencies. lt is possible to use it as areference for other induction heating installations for heat-treatment and other purposes aswell as superconducting DC induction through-heating installations.
This document includes the concept and material on energy efficiency dealing with theelectrical and processing parts of the installations, as well as the overall performance.
2Normative references
This clause of lEC 60398:2015 is applicable except as follows.Replacement:
The following standards are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of theircontents constitutes requirements of this standard.For dated references,only the editioncited applies.For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced standard (includingany amendments) applies.
Delete footnotesAdditions:
IEC 60398:2015,Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing – Generalperformance test methods
IEC 60519-1:—1,Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing -Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60519-3:2005,Safety in electroheat installations – Part 3: Particular requirements forinduction and conduction heating and induction melting installations
3Terms and definitions
This clause of lEC 60398:2015 is applicable except as follows.
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in lEC 60398:2015 and thefollowing apply.
ISo and lEc maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
.lso Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.orglobpAdditions:
NOTE 101 For the following definitions of terms related to some parts and electrical parameters of power circuitof induction through-heating equipment, see also the explanatory diagrams in Annex AA.The symbols are alsolisted in Annex BB.
induction through-heating installation
installation comprising induction through-heating equipment and the electrical and mechanicalauxiliaries necessary for the operation and utilization of the equipment
Note 1 to entry: The electrical auxillaries comprise all electrical components in the power circuit of inductionthrough-heating equipment,power supply for mechanical auxiliaries and control system; and the mechanicalauxiliaries comprise billet handling mechanism and its mechanical power as well as water cooling system, etc.
induction through-heating equipment
equipment consisting of one or more heating inductors,supporting frames (cabinets) and theconnections for cooling water and electricity, etc., for induction heating and holding of billet
batch heating
repetitive static heating manner,which involves placing an individual billet into a heatinginductor for heating and holding, and then extracting it
[SOURCE: IEC 62076;2006,3.39,modified – The differences between induction through-heating and induction melting in workload name and technological process have beenconsidered.]
stage heating
heating manner having two or more heating inductors,in which, for a two heating inductorequipment for example,the billet is firstly placed into a heating inductor for heating,secondlymoved to another heating inductor for hoiding and then extracted

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