IEC 62386-105 pdf – Digital addressable lighting interface – Part 105: Particular requirements for control gear and control devices – Firmware transfer
The following five commands shall be discarded while” fwUpdateProcessEnabled ” is TRUE;- START FW TRANSFER
All other commands in 11.3 shall be discarded if “ fiwUpdateProcessEnabled“ is FALSE.11.3.2Standard commands FW TRANSFER
The bus unit shall set “fwUpdateProcessEnabled ” to TRUE and respond with “YES”.The bus unit is ready to receive the new firmware after a waiting time of 500 ms. FW UPDATE
lf the following condition is true:
.all data blocks (see Table 4) for the firmware update have been successfully received, and- a manufacturer specific condition for completing the firmware update is TRUE.
then ” fiwLpdateProcessEnabled ” shall be set to FALSE and ” fwUpdateRestartEnabled ” shall be setto TRUE,the reply shall be “NO”and the bus unit may optionally continue the operationdescribed for RESTART FW( except for the reply specified for that command.
NOTE An example of a case when FINISH Fw UPDATE will also cause the devie to re-sfar,is for devices thatonly have space for a single firmware image that is destroyed when the block data transfer starts.In such cases,the device is executing a bootoader until the fimware update finishes and the dewice is restarted.
Blocks do not need to be received consecutively.Gaps are permitted between blocks.Use oftotal block count from block O is manufacturer-specific.
lfthe above condition is FALSE, then the answer shall be“YES” and“fwLpdatePracessEnabled ” shall be kept TRUE. Fw UPDATE FEATURES
The bus unit shall answer with the firmware update feature set,which is formed by acombination of bus unit features.
Refer to 9.5 for further information. Fw UPDATE RUNNING
The bus unit shall respond with “YES”,if the variable“ fwUpdateProcessEnabled“ is TRUE. BLOCK FAULT
The bus unit shall respond with “NO” , if the following condition is true:
-“currentBlockByte”matches the block size in address 0 of this block, and
. both CRC checksums of the block addressed by “currentBlock” match the correspondingCRC checksums of this block.
lf the above condition is FALSE, then the answer shall be “YES”. Fw uPDATE
lf the bus unit supports cancellation of the firmware update,the bus unit executing thecommand CANCEL FW UPDATE shall set the variable“fiwUpdateProcessEnabled” to FALSEand discard all transferred blocks.Then the bus unit shall run througha power up sequence,executing the previous firmware. RESTART
The bus unit shall set “fwUpdateRestartEnabled ” to TRUE. Fw
The bus unit shall restart firmware execution.
lf ” fiLpdateRestartEnabled ” is FALSE, this command shall be discarded.
After execution of the command RESTART FW,“fwUpdateRestartEnabled ” shall be set toFALSE.
NOTE 1 Depending on the state af the fimware image,this could mean that the device restarts the samefimware previously executed,or a different firmware than was prevlously executed,or a fimware limage that canimplement only the commands descsibed lin this document(bootloader).
lf the fimware that will be executed by this command does not meet the requirementsspecified in IEC 62386-102 or IEC 62386-103, then the reply shall be “YES”,otherwise thereply shall be “NO”.
NOTE 2 An example where a “YES”reply is sent is when a “bootloader”image is restarted. This could occur if thedevice does not contain an alternative valid firmwareimage.
The bus unit shall be ready to receive frames latest 30 s after the execution of this command. FW RESTART ENABLED
The bus unit shall respond with YES”, if the variable “
fwUpdateResartEnabled* is TRUE.
11.3.3 Data transfer commands BLOCK (data h, data m, data lThe bus unit shall set “cureetBlockByre ” to 0.
The bus unit shall set “cuwrentBlock ” to the value transferred by the command itself.”data h”;”data m’and “data r are used to set the MSB,the middle byte and the LSB of “cuwrentBlock ”respectively.
NOTE This allaws to address 224 blocks in total.
The programming of a block shall not take more than 300 ms.