IEC 62384 pdf – DC or AC supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules – Performance requirements
This document specifies performance requirements for electronic controlgear for use on DC or
AC supplies up to 1 000 v (alternating current at 50 Hz or 60 Hz) and with an outputfrequency which can deviate from the supply frequency,associated with LED modulesaccording to lEC 62031. Controlgear for LED modules specified in this document aredesigned to provide constant voltage or current. Deviations from the pure voltage and current
types do not exclude the gear from this document.
NOTE 1 The tests in this document ae type tests. Requirements for testing individual controlgear duringproduction are not included.
NOTE 2 Requirements for controlgear which incorporate means for varying the output power are underconsideration.
NOTE 3 lt can be expected that controlgear complying with this document will ensure satisfactory operationbetween 92 % and 106 % of the rated supply voltage,taking into account the specifications of the LED modulemanufacturer.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of theircontent constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the editioncited applies.For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
IEC 61347-1,Lamp controlgear- Part 1: General and safety requirements
IEC 61347-2-13, Lamp controlgear – Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c.supplied electronic controlgear forLED modules
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document,the terms and definitions given in IEC 61347-1 and thefollowing apply.
ISo and IEc maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
. Iso Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.orglobp
total circuit power
total power dissipated by controlgear and LED module(s) in combination, at rated supplyvoltage of the controlgear and at the highest rated output load
circuit power factor
ratio of the measured circuit power to the product of the supply voltage (RMS) and the supplycurrent (RMS)
controlgear for LED module circuitry with high input capacitance
controlgear suitable for LED modules which present high capacitance connected directly orindirectly to the input terminals
Note 1 to entry: Examples are LED modules with switch mode power supply conversion circuits,like buck or boostregulators.
Note 2 to entry: Typically,capacitances above 100 nF are considered high capacitance.
controlgear for LED module circuitry with low input capacitance
controlgear suitable for LED modules which present low capacitance or no capacitanceconnected directly or indirectly to the input terminals
Note 1 to entry: Examples are LED modules with only LEDs or with logic circuits intended for thermal protection,but not directly modifying the power supplied by the controlgear,or linear voltage regulators.
Note 2 to entry: Typically,capacitances of 100 nF and below are considered low capacitance.
4General notes on tests
4.1 The tests given in this document are type tests.
The requirements and tolerances permitted by this document are based on testing of a typetest sample submitted by the manufacturer for that purpose. In principle this type test sampleshould consist of units having characteristics typical of the manufacturer’s production and beas close to the production centre point values as possible.
NOTElt can be expected with the tolerances given in this document that products manufactured in accordancewith the type test sample will comply with this document for the majorty of the production. Due to the productionspread however,it is inevitable that there will sometimes be products outside the specified tolerances. Forguidance on sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes,see lEC 60410.
4.2For tests which are carried out with a LED module or LED modules,this (these)LEDmodule(s) shall fulfil the following requirements:
The power of the LED module(s) when measured at its (their) rated voltage or rated current(direct current and/or alternating current) shall not differ from the rated power by more than+6 % and -o %.
4.3The tests shall be carried out in the order of the clauses, unless otherwise specified.4.4One specimen shall be subjected to all the tests.
4.5ln ceneral all the tests are made on each type of controlgear or,where a range ofsimilar controlgear is involved for each rated power in the range or on a representativeselection from the range as agreed with the manufacturer.
4.6The tests shal be made under the conditions specified in Clause A.1. Since up to nowdata with regard to LED modules have not been published in an IEC standard,they shall bemade available by the LED module manufacturer.
4.7All controlgear covered by this document shal comply with the requirements ofIEC 61347-2-13.