IEC 62106-9 pdf – Radio data system (RDS) –VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from 64,0 MHz to 108,0 MHz – Part 9: RBDS – RDS variant used in North America
This part of lEC 62106 specifies the Radio Broadcast Data System(RBDS), which is an RDS-compatible variant used in countries of North America.RBDS was first standardized by the u.S.National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) in 1993 and subsequently revised in 1998,2004,2005 and 2011 2. With the publication of this edition of lEC 62106, the RDS and RBDS standardsare now harmonized into a single document.
The frequency range of operation (64,0 MHz to 108,0 MHz as indicated by the title of thisdocument) varies according to regional regulatory authority.The U.S. range is 88 MHz to 108
MHz, as set by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. [8]
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references,the latestedition of the referenced document(including anyamendments) applies.
IEC 62106(all parts),Radio Data System (RDS) – VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequencyrange from 64,0 MHz to 108,0 MHz
IEC62106-2:2021,Radio data system (RDS)-VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequencyrange from 64,0 MHz to 108,0 MHz – Part 2: Message format: coding and definition of RDSfeatures
3Terms,definitions and abbreviated terms3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in lEC 62106-1 apply.
IsO and lEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
. Iso Online browsing platform: available at
3.2Abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document,the abbreviated terms given in IEC 62106-1 and thefollowing apply.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
NPR National Public Radio (USA)
NRSC National Radio Systems Committee (USA)RBDS Radio Broadcast Data System
4Coding of information
The RBDS standard uses the same data modulation as in IEC 62106-1. lt also uses the same
RDS features and group type coding as in EC 62106-2. Open Data Applications coding andregistration for application identification are specified in IEC 62106-2 and IEC 62106-3,respectively.Any exceptions for RBDS to these specifications are described in 4.2.
4.2.1Pl coding
The Pl code nibbles are composed differently.The methods used are described in Annex A.4.2.2PTY coding
The 5-bit PTY codes are defined with a different meaning in RBDS.The code definitions givenin Annex B shall be used for RBDS.
For RBDS, there is no prohibition on using Ps for displaying sequential information and thereis no requirement that Ps be static.For RBDS, there are no restrictions on the content or updaterate of the Ps field.