BS EN ISO 21530 pdf download Dentistry — Materials used for dental equipment surfaces — Determination of resistance to chemical disinfectants
This International Standard specifies test methods for determining the resistance to chemical disinfectants of allmaterials used for external surfaces of dental equipment intended for such disinfection.
Three test methods are specified: an immersion test, a spray test and a contact test. The choice of test methodto be used is left to the discretion of the party conducting the testing.
This International Standard does not address the bactericidal,virucidal and fungicidal effectvity of thedisinfectants.
This International Standard does not provide for testing the possible detrimental effects of applied stress on theresistance of test materials to the test reagents.
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies.
ISO 554,Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing — SpecificationsISO 1942,Dentistry — Vocabulary
ISO 2812-1, Paints and varnishes —Determination of resistance to liquids — Part 1:General methods
ISO 3585,Borosilicate glass 3.3—Properties
ISO 3696:1987Water for analytical laboratory use – Specification and test methods
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 1942 apply.
All tests described in this International Standard are type tests.
As far as possible,carry out all tests on a representative test specimen of the material from the dentalequipment.Where possible, use flat slabs as test specimens. One of the following options shall be used.
a) Use new parts of dental equipment.
b) lf this is not possible,use standard exemplars and test specimens made of semi-finished products (e.g.
slabs,plates, or round material).
c)Test specimens can also be made by splitting the original parts or semi-finished products (e.g. by cutting or
sawing), if the resulting new edges and surfaces of the test specimens are expected to have comparableproperties to the original surfaces. The area of the resulting new edges and surfaces should be protected;new surface areas should be a small proportion of the test specimens.
All test specimens should be free from dirt and grease.
5 Test methods
5.1 General
One or more of the three test methods described in 5.4,5.5 and 5.6 shall be used. The party conducting thetesting shall determine which test method(s) shall be used.
5.2 Preconditioning of test specimens
After preparing the test specimens for the intended use,testing shall be carried out under the followingconditions:
a) ambient temperature of (23土2) °C, according to lSO 554;b) atmospheric humidity of(50土5) %, according to lSO 554;
c)air pressure between 860 hPa and 1 060 hPa (between 645 mmHg and 795 mmHg), according to lS0 554.
5.3 Preparation of test agent
Prepare the test agent according to the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer of the disinfectantagent. Annex A gives an overview of commercially used disinfectants.
Surface disinfectants to be used as test agents shall not have passed their expiry date.
Test agents made from concentrates and water shall be prepared in chemically inert containers. Water, inaccordance with grade 3 of lSO 3696:1987, shall be used to prepare aqueous solutions of the disinfectants.
5.4lmmersion test
5.4.1 Principle
Testing shall be performed as described in lSO 2812-1.
During the immersion test,one test specimen shall be totally immersed into the test agent and one testspecimen shall be partially immersed (approximately 50 % of surtace area) into the test agent. At least threetests are required(parallel testing of all test specimens is possible). For the evaluation, one additional testspecimen shall be used as a reference specimen.Record the changes in mass of the test specimens.