IEC 63008 pdf – Household and similar electrical appliances – Accessibility of control elements, doors, lids, drawers and handles
This document contains accessibility requirements to enable more accessible use of certainelements found on household and similar electrical appliances by older persons and personswith disabilities. lt provides guidance to achieve accessible design of only control elements(e.g. knobs,buttons),including control panels,display screens and doors,lids,drawers andhandles. It does not enable the full assessment of the overall accessibility of a householdappliance. This document covers supporting and auxiliaryfunctions that a user performsregularly.Assembly, installation, configuration or repair of appliances are excluded.
This document provides test methods and data that support accessible design.
This document gives guidance to apply ISO/TR 22441:2008 and ISO/EC Guide 71:2014 to the
design of various interactive elements of household and similar electrical appliances. lt doesnot deal with remote controls,or control via network or mobile applications. Touch controlelements are covered in this document (see also Annex A), but new interaction controls, such
as gestures and speech control, are not covered.
This document does not deal with safety issues.
NOTE IEC 6335(ll parts) sets out requirements on safety issues,e.g. surface temperatures and sharpedges.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latestedition of the referenced document(including anyamendments) applies.
IEC 60417,Graphical symbols for use on equipment(available at http:/www.graphical-symbols.infolequipment)
IEC TS 62835:2015, Electric toasters for household and similar use – Methods andmeasurements for improving accessibility
IEC/IEEE 82079-1:2019,Preparation of information for use (instructions for use) of products -Part 1 : Principles and general requirements
ISo 7000, Graphical symbols for use on equipment(available at http:/www.graphical-symbols.infolequipment)
ISO 7010,Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Registered safety signs
ISO 15008;2017,Road vehicles – Ergonomic aspects of transport information and controlsystems – Specifications and test procedures for in-vehicle visual presentation
ISO/TR 22411;2008, Ergonomics data and guidelines for the application of lSOIEC Guide 71to products and services to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities
IsO 80000-1:2009,Quantities and units – Part 1: GeneralIso 8995-1:2002,Lighting of work places – Part 1: lndoor
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
.Iso Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.orglobp
extent to which products, systems, services, environments and facilities can be used by people
from a population with the widest range of user needs,characteristics and capabilities toachieve identified goals in identified contexts of use
Note 1 to entry. Context of use includes direct use or use supported by assistive technologies.[SOURCE: ISO 9241-112:2017,3.15]
accessible design
design focused on diverse users to maximize the number of potential users who can readily usea system in diverse contexts
Note 1 to entry. This aim can be achieved by (1) designing systems that are readily usable by most users withoutany modification,(2)making systems adaptabie to different users (by providing adaptable user interfaces) and(3) having standardized interifaces to be compatible with assistive products and assistive technology.
Note 2 to entry: Terms such as universal design,accessible design,,design for all, barrier-free design,inclusivedesign and transgenerational design are often used interchangeably”with the same meaning.
[SOURCE:ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014,2.19]
problems in body function or structure related to a significant deviation or loss
Nole 1 to entry. Impairments can be temporary or permanent:progressive,regressive or static; intermittent orcontinuous.
Note 2 to entry: See also lICF 2001[9],wHO,A.4.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014,2.5, modified – Note 2 to entry added.]
person who accesses or interacts with the appliance