IEC 60335-2-119 pdf – Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-119: Particular requirements for commercial vacuum packaging appliances
This clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following.
This part of lEC 60335 deals with the safety of commercial electric packaging appliances usingvacuum conditions for food preservation, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V forsingle-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
These appliances are not intended for household and similar purposes.They are used forcommercial preservation of food in areas not open to the public,for example in kitchens ofrestaurants,canteens, hospitals and in commercial enterprises such as bakeries and butcheries.
Examples of appliances that are within the scope of this standard are:
– chamber vacuum packaging appliances;
– vacuum packaging appliances.
These appliances may be provided with a film-sealing function.This standard also deals with the hygiene aspects of appliances.
As far as is practicable, this standard deals with the common hazards presented by appliancesthat are encountered by users.However, in general, it does not consider young children playingwith the appliance.
Attention is drawn to the fact that:
– for appliances intended to be used in vehicles or onboard ships or aircraft,additional
requirements may be necessary;
in many countries,additional requirements for appliances incorporating pressure vesselsare specified;
in many countries, additional requirements are specified by the national health authorities,the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour,the national water supplyauthorities and similar authorities.
This standard does not apply to:
– appliances which operate with injection in the vacuum chamber of inert gas with an oxygen
content exceeding 21 %;
appliances intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as thepresence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust,vapour or gas);
vacuum packaging appliances for household and similar use (IEC 60335-2-45);battery-operated appliances.
2Normative references
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:
IEC 60068-2-52:2017,Environmental testing – Part 2-52:Tests – Test Kb: Salt mist,cyclic(sodium chloride solution)
ISo 683-1:2016, Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels – Part 1:Non-alloysteels for quenching and tempering-
3 Terms and definitions
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
3.1 Definitions relating to physical characteristics3.1.9Replacement:
operation of the appliance under the following conditions:
Vacuum packaging appliances and chamber vacuum packaging appliances withoutdeaeration function are operated empty in vacuum and sealing cycles in accordance with theinstructions,choosing the most unfavourable condition. If no instructions are given,theappliance is operated for the:
vacuum function, the maximum period allowed by the construction;
sealing function,10 s or the maximum period allowed by a timer, if higher, with a rest periodof 30 s between each cycle.
The sealing function is carried out by sealing together two sheets of plastic film. The plastic filmis high pressure (low density) polyethylene, each sheet having a thickness of 50 um.
Vacuum packaging appliances and chamber vacuum packaging appliances provided withdeaeration function intended to remove air molecules from liquids,creams and sauces areoperated as indicated above but for 5 min for the vacuum function.
Vacuum packaging appliances and chamber vacuum packaging appliances for vacuumand sealing and which can perform sealing function only, are also operated for a series ofoperating cycles as specified in the instruction for use,choosing the most unfavourablecondition. lf no instructions are given, in each cycle the sealing function is operated 10 s.
ln all cases the sealing operation period is followed by a further period of 15 s for the applianceto be ready to perform the next sealing operation.
The sealing function is carried out by sealing together two sheets of plastic film.The plastic filmis high pressure (low density) polyethylene, each sheet having a thickness of 50 um.