IEC 60086-3 pdf – Primary batteries – Part 3: Watch batteries
1 Scope
This part of lEC 60086 specifies dimensions, designation, methods of tests and requirements
for primary batteries for watches. In severalcases,a menu of test methods is given. Whenpresentingbatteryelectrical characteristics andlor performance data,the manufacturerspecifies which test method was used.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated’ references,the latest edition of the referenced document (including anyamendmentsy applies.
IEC60086-1,Primary batteries – Part 1: General
IEC 60086-2,Primary batteries – Part 2: Physical and electrical specificationsIEC 60086-4,Primary batteries – Part 4: Safety of lithium bafteries
IEC 60086-5, Primary batteries – Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document,the terms and definitions given in lEC 60086-1 and thefollowing apply.
lSO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Eecropedia: available at http:seww.electropedia.orgl
-Iso Online browsing platform: available at http:/www.iso.orglobp3.1
capacitive reactance
part of the internal resistance that leads to a voltage drop during the first seconds under load
electric charge (quantity of electricity) which a cell or battery can deliver under specifieddischarge conditions
Note 1 to entry: The sl unit for eloctic charge is the coulomb (1 C = 1As) bu,in praclion,capaciny is usuallyexpressed in ampere hours lAh3.
fresh battery
undischarged battery 60 days maximum after date of manufacture