BSI BS IEC 60870-5-6 pdf – Telecontrol equipment and systems — Part 5-6: Guidelines for conformance testing for the IEC 60870-5 companion standards
1 Scope
This part of the lEC 60870-5 series specifies methods for conformance testing of telecontrolequipment,amongst Substation Automation Systems (SAS) and telecontrol systems, including front-end functions of SCADA.
The use of this part of lEC 60870-5 facilitates interoperability by providing a standard methodof testing protocol implementations, but it does not guarantee interoperability of devices. lt isexpected that using this part of lEC 60870-5 during testing will minimize the risk of non-interoperability.
The goal of this part of lEC 60870-5 is to enable unambiguous and standardised evaluation oflEc 60870-5 companion standard protocol implementations. The guidelines and conditions forthe testing environment are described in this part of lEC 60870-5.The detailed test cases percompanion standard, containing among others mandatory and optional mandatory test casesper Basic Application Function,ASDU and transmission procedure,will become available astechnical specifications (IEC 60870-5-60x).Other functionalities may need test cases, but thisis beyond the scope of this part of IEC 6o870-5.
This part of lEC 60870-5 deals mainly with communication conformance testing; thereforeother requirements,such as safety or EMC are not covered.These requirements are coveredby other standards (if applicable) and the proof of compliance for these topics should be doneaccording to those standards.
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60870-5-1,Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5: Transmission protocolsSection One: Transmission frame formats
lEC 60870-5-2,Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5: Transmission protocolsSection 2: Link transmission procedures
IEC 60870-5-3,Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5: Transmission protocolsSection 3: General structure of application data
IEC 60870-5-4,Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5: Transmission protocols-Section 4: Definition and coding of application information elements
IEC 60870-5-5,Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5: Transmission protocolsSection 5: Basic application functions
ISO/IEC 9646 (allparts), Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection -Conformance testing methodology and framework
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of lEC 60870-5, the following terms and definitions apply.
configuration (of a system or device)
step in system design: selecting functional units,assigning their locations and defining theirinterconnections
configuration list
supplies an overview of all compatible hardware and software versions of components ofcontrolled’controlling stations including the software versions of relevant supporting tools
address config
address config is the configuration file containing the ASDU-addressing including theinformation object addresses necessary to test all the functionality defined as in ithe PID
conformance test
verification process of the protocol implementation in a device by executing tests according to theapplicable test plan,which contain mandatory and possibly mandatory optional test cases, so as to beable to answer the following question:
“Does the protocol implementation in device xxx of supplier yyy conform to theIEC 60870-5-10x standard and the applicable Protocol Implementation Document (PIDy?NOTEA supplier-independent party that is allowed to issue a Conformance Statement can carry out acantormance tes1.
mechanism or piece of equipment designed to serve a purpose or perform a function [IEEESTD 100-1996,IEEE Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms]
communication direction in which the device exchanges the data
NOTE IEC 60870-5 companion standards describe functions and ASDU’s in the monitor direction (from thecontrolled to the controlling stationj and control direction (trom contrlling to controlled station) as Normal direction (N).The way they are used should be indicated in the PICS. lif reversed direction is enabled, by using R or B, theFor some purposes, the functions or ASDu’s can be used also in the Reverse direction (R) or in Both directions (B).functionality is used in the reverse direction, the applicable test cases in the normal direction areRapplicabie for thereversed functionallity .
behaviour,which does not conform to the standard and/or the applicable test cases asdescribed in this part of lEC 60870-5
Factory Acceptance TestFAT
customer agreed functional tests of the specifically manufactured telecontrol equipment or its partsusing the parameter set for the planned application
NOTE TheFAT should be carried out in the factory of the manufacturer by the use of process simulating test equipment.